Chapter 53 - Twists of fate

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a/n: oh,oh,juicy chapter hehe xD

let me know what you think :)



"No, mom, I escaped. I let him say just one sentence and I escaped. Because I couldn't stay." I sighed as I paced around our hotel room. My mom called at exactly 1 pm, namely, the exact time I told her I'd be at the hotel at.

Chase was packing our bags, since we decided to head to the airport and pick whatever destination, just because we still have vacation and, as he said, shouldn't waste it because meeting my biological father didn't work. And I agree. Completely.

Though we have only five days, so we can't go much far, but he insisted we used them up anyway, simply because we'll both start working and vacations will be a mirage for a long time, so ... I really do need some relax. I've never been the kind to like being stranded on a beach just tanning, so we won't be heading to some Caribbean island, especially because we couldn't even afford it. We'll just see what last minute options we have and pick. To do something different for once.

"I know, I know, but I just couldn't." I commented as mom told me I should have at least listened to what he had to say, be it only out of pure politeness, even though, she was the first one to say I shouldn't have even accepted to meet him, because he's had his chances for 21 years and never took one, therefore ...

"Honey, I'm ready!" Chase called from the bedroom.

"Yeah, ok!" I yelled back, only to have my mother ask where were we headed. "No idea. Chase says we just pick whatever destination at the airport." She complained about how irresponsible that was, but I said that I had still five days of vacation and I intended to enjoy them thoroughly.

Besides, knowing only last minute where to go sounded like much fun. Yeah, I've never been impulsive, but it couldn't be wrong to dare for once, could it?


"How about London?" Chase asked as we were standing in front of the departures chart, him hugging me tightly from behind.

"We shouldn't look at the international flights, Chase." I argued, knowing it was useless. We had just five days and not enough money. Sure, I've always wanted to see Europe, but really, there was no chance we could at the moment.

Maybe, if Miss Benedetti (soon to be Mrs. Grant, apparently, as some tabloids say) pays me enough, I will afford a real vacancy soon, but certainly now it'd be utopia.

"Why not? We can afford it."

"No, we can't, and you know that."

He chuckled, hiding his head in the crevasses of my neck. "Oh, come on ... I can pay for you."

"With what money?" I argued. He's been saving up to pay the Psychology School and he still has to pay off his study loan. Neither of us is wealthy, I've just been really lucky because my cousin is stubborn and paid for half of my college fees, the other being paid off because of the scholarship. I have spare money from when I worked at Sophie's, but that still doesn't make me able to travel to Europe, does it? I said I wanna dare for once, not that I wanna end up starving in a foreign country.

Yet, squeezing me tighter, Chase leaned his head on my shoulder as he pointed out: "I ... um ... won the lottery?" I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he acts silly just to cheer me up and it's cute, but while normally he's serious, other times he can come up with really extravagant ideas. Such as this one was.

"Take it as a gift." He pointed out.

"For what?" I asked, actually a bit amused.

"For your graduation." I rolled my eyes, pointing out that he already gave me something for my graduation ... I was wearing it right now around my neck: a cute butterfly necklace I accepted only because he told me it didn't cost too much.

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