Chapter 42 - The ultimate gift

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WARNING: this chapter contains sexual contents

a/n: I'll admit it took me more to write this,because Natalie is different from my other characters...but here we go,the chapter you were all expecting :D

let me know what you think :)



I said it. Yes, I said it. And I meant it. Really meant it. Eric seemed completely shocked. He was already when I told him those three magic words. And now that I said I want that ...

I giggled as I ruffled his hair, his baffled look being just too cute. His mouth was still open, as if he wanted to say something but didn't quite know what. Therefore I took the initiative and, my arms still around his neck, I kissed him, with all the passion I could muster. It took him a while, but he responded to it and soon enough his hands were roaming my body as we kissed. He was still uncertain, though.

When we broke the kiss, I smiled brightly, looking into those wonderful blue eyes, my heart swelling with so many emotions I couldn't even pinpoint. I was excited and happy and anxious, because it was something really important, but also glad we finally got to this and ... wooo ... so many things!

"Tallie, a-are you ... sure?" I grinned, especially because he sounded so worried and anxious and yet I could see it all too clearly in his eyes that he really wanted it.

I pecked his lips, savoring them like candy before pulling back and, forehead against his, said what had been resonating in my mind since a few days already and that now felt so easy to repeat over and over again: "Eric, I love you. Truly. And I want you to make love to me. Tonight. As my ... ultimate gift for you, I give you my virginity."

He opened his mouth to respond, but no sound came out and I grinned, knowing he was completely at a loss for words. Gathering up all my strength, I flipped us, so that I was on top of him. It wasn't easy, because, honestly, he was on me and all those lean muscles of his are pretty heavy for me, even if I am not petite like Aisha or Dana for instance, but I made it.

Without hesitation, I straddled him, my legs bent at his sides, and kissed him as passionately as I could, cupping his cheeks in mine. I yelped when I felt some movement beneath me.

It's not exactly the first time, I mean, after that one time while we were watching Frozen, we did our best to slow down but more than once yes, I could feel the slightest movement in his lower region. Usually it was then that he, even if grudgingly and sometimes not easily, broke our kiss and claimed it was time to go home. To take a cold shower, now and then he hinted, which always made me blush, but now ... well, no cold shower was needed now, because I was ready and willing to do it. With him. I wouldn't want to give up my virginity to anyone else, I swear.

I honestly started seriously thinking about it since Eric started playing with my mind, and since I did, there was only one thought that kept hammering in my mind: it was him and him only the one I could ever give it to. My first time ought to be with him and him only. And now here we were ...

My breath itched as Eric deepened our kiss, his hands traveling down to my hips, roaming my back, but always, respectfully, keeping their distance from my rear side, so that, to convince him, I once more whispered against his lips: "Make love to me, Eric."

His grip on me tightened, but he asked: "Are you sure? Really sure this is what you want? You don't have to rush for me, Tallie. I can wait."

I shook my head, pecking his lips as I unconsciously grinded against him, mostly because my own body needed the friction with that part of him that was so clearly poking my core ... "I am perfectly sure, Eric. I want it. With you. Tonight." Uncontrollably, I let out a soft moan as I could feel the bulge in his jeans growing. "Make love to me, Eric. Show me how much you love me."

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