Chapter 9 - From Heaven to Hell

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Having lunch with Kyle was fun. That's the simplest I could put it. Once we dropped the bad boy topic, we really enjoyed, well, I enjoyed our talk. He's the kind of guy who always makes you laugh, so even if I could feel eyes on us, I didn't really care. Just dipped into the conversation, trying hard not to blush and to even say things that had some sense.

I could feel eyes on us because he's popular and whatever he does, it's news. More than once there were people stopping by just to salute him, yet his attention was always on me, which made my heart race, but I was able to conceal it ... I think. I think I'll never thank Mrs. Porter enough. If she'd never paired me up with him in that project, I would have been so stupid to let even this year pass without trying anything and I would have regretted it maybe.

I'm not saying that simply because we had lunch together now I have a chance with him, but from not talking at all, to spending a good hour chit-chatting just for the sake of it, I'd say that's a huge step in advance, isn't it? Possibly in the right direction. At the very least, we might be friends and I might even come out of this shell I've built to keep people at distance.

But ... as, Rumple says, magic always comes with a price, and the price for this sudden luck was reappearing on my nemesis' radar ... I had Dana in some of my afternoon classes and all the time, she kept glaring, not that that's new, she does that a lot, but what's new is that her glaring was more intense and more frequent. Honestly, I've never heard of her and Kyle ever being together, but they're kind of friends, belonging as they do to the popular circle, so I can only assume she's implicitly telling me to keep away from her friends.

I wonder ... if she ... let's say promised to Eric not to bother me again, will she violate that just because she hates me too much? And if she does, will he even care? I think no. If he told her to stop bothering me, it must have been only because he pitied me, and actually, as far as I know, back to middle school he was known as some sort of punk, yes, but wasn't that dreaded as he is now, so maybe back then he still had some sort of positive emotions that allowed him to pity that silly nerd that was the Queen Bee's favorite victim.

I repeat, not that Dana ever bullied me in the strong sense, which is why none of the teachers or even my mother know, she just ... made fun of me, prank me. Ok, sometimes her pranks were pretty hard to swallow, but while not fighting back, I did my best to keep my cool. I've tried to understand why does she hate me this much, but was never able to get to a clue. I guess it's just that we're opposites.

As for Eric, I shouldn't even think about it, I mean, pity is the only reason I could give for him to bother, but I guess even that faded throughout the years, also considering that he's been getting worse only. Well, rumors say that. His reputation speaks more volume that him apparently, because he doesn't talk much.

Even though Kyle cleared many of my doubts, it's still obvious that Eric Rivers is and remains quite a bad element to be hanging around. Not that I'm so dying to be hanging around him anyway.

Actually, the farthest I am from him, the better. Too bad I've got this project to work on till the other Monday ... which means I'm gonna have other rendezvous with Mr. Bad Boy ... oh, so glad I am, that's so clear, isn't it?

Oh, whatever. Despite everything, this has been too much of a good day to spoil it by thinking of the wrong people. Today it's even plenty, because I've got an appointment with Dr. Green and then work and then ... long story short, I'm busy. So no working on the fairy tale ... thank God. Well, ok, I shouldn't be so glad, I know, but ... well, technically, tomorrow should be Eric's day and ... after this morning, I'm not really sure I want to see him.

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