Chapter 32 - My Reason

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My mother is starting to think I'm insane. Because with this one, it makes three days in a row that I wake up early, even when going to sleep late. You can easily guess I now spend a big part of my nights at home texting my boyfriend. I swear, it still feels strange to call him that.

When this morning I arrived at school, there were few people swarming in the hall, but enough for me to have to pretend I didn't spot Eric beneath the stairs and didn't crave to run to him and let him engulf me in one of his protective and yet tender hugs.

So I acted like nothing, walking to my locker, people not acknowledging my presence in the slightest bit, as it's always been and I like it to be. But not much passed before I felt the usual slap on my shoulder, even more energetic this time, Aisha all but shouting her good morning. I turned around and smiled at her, who was beaming, and I soon understood why when she showed me her new necklace, which apparently her dad had bought her out of sense of guilt.

"Sooo ... how did it go? Did you guys make out? Did he get too touchy? If he did and you didn't want him to, just tell me, I can handle it. I will beat the shit out of him if he dared." I giggled as she said that, shaking my head.

"Aisha ..."

"No, seriously. Just one word and I will kick his white ass for you, Cookie."

I shook my head once more, chuckling. "No need, thanks. It was all perfect." That gave her the go to ask for details, but I was a bit reluctant on telling her ... I haven't known her for long, but I already feel like I can trust her, and even if she has a big mouth, maybe she won't talk ...

"Aisha, can you keep a secret?" I asked as people kept swarming around us. I glanced at my watch, only to see I had a few minutes left before the bell rang. She grinned from ear to ear, bobbing her head.

"Tell me, tell me." She started demanding, tossing and turning around me like a puppy wanting to play. I grinned and stopped her, especially because she was making my head spin.

Inhaling deeply, I recounted her everything. I could read every emotion on her pretty face, but she was silent all the time. In the end, she opened her mouth and I wrapped my hand around it, conscious that she might scream, attracting much attention. She did scream a little, but my hand muffled it much. Phew.

Yet when I pulled back my hand she couldn't retain herself: "I knew it! I knew Eralie was meant to be!" I would have grimaced at her exclamation that attracted the attention of the couple of kids around my locker, but the name she used made me giggle.

"Eralie?" I asked, confused. She grinned widely, then raised a hand, behind which she hid the finger with which she pointed at Eric standing down the hall with his friends, and then at me.

"It's the perfect name, isn't it? I came up with it when I decided I ship it."

"You ship it?"

"Yes! I ship Eralie. Definitely. I mean, Katalie was cool too, but Eralie is better, much, much better!"

I frowned, confused, so she explained that she'd given the ships involving me a name, Katalie being me and Kyle, while Eralie being me and Eric. She said that she liked Katalie because Kyle is cute and sweet, but she preferred Eralie because, not only was Eric incredibly hot, but he also was clearly in deep for me. Normally, I would have laughed of it, but with all that Eric's been telling me, about me being all that he wants, us being a dream come true and everything ... well, I couldn't doubt, could I?

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