Chapter 19 - You matter

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Sighing, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, inspecting every single detail of this girl whose face I wore but that right now I couldn't recognize.

"I don't really think I should do this ..." I mulled for, possibly, the thousandth time. Mom, along with Aisha, rolled their eyes, tired of hearing me doubt my decision.

"Going to a party for once won't kill you." Mom stated from behind me.

I turned to her, arching an eyebrow. "That advice comes from my mother? The woman that has fun only when Paula practically drags her out of the front door?" I asked sarcastically, which made Aisha, who was sitting on my desk chair, laugh.

She looked beautiful and, actually, pretty sexy too in her attire: it was a bit daring, considering the weather, but she was wearing a cute country short skirt with flower pattern, a sleeveless white top, a leather belt to unite everything, then country light brown booties, in addition, a light beige long cardigan that was needed not to make her feel too cold (even though she did have a jacket), but I have no doubt it'd be instantly forgotten as soon as we get to the party.

I bet it was needed also to make a good impression on my mom, who saw her for the first time just when she showed up to our door with a bunch of bags containing dresses to make me try, saying her mom was a stylist (or sort of) and she'd chosen them for me once Aisha had shown her a picture of me.

Aisha also wore a heart and chain pendant that almost disappeared into her cleavage, where I have no doubt many male eyes will be falling tonight.

She told me that boy she's been texting since Tuesday, the one she met in class, was most likely to come to the party as well, so she had to look very, very good. She looked amazing. While I ...

In the end, as you can guess, I've decided I'd participate to this party Kyle kept mentioning all yesterday too, saying I needed a distraction because after what happened on Tuesday, I was always lost in my thoughts, he said. I say I was just distracted, because that's my nature, but he, as well as Aisha, kept implying that I was aggravated because I fought with Eric, my controversial sweetheart as she likes to call him, meaning that he's my sweetheart but our relationship is complicated because we keep pushing each other away without even meaning it. All silly thoughts, if you ask me.

I haven't seen him since our fight actually, because apparently he's been skipping, who knows why. Aisha jokes that I broke his poor little heart, but I, one, highly doubt he even has a heart at this point, then, I highly doubt a Miss Nothing like me could even be able to move something inside him to the point that he's so upset that he doesn't feel like coming to school. Come on ... he's simply cutting class, like he often does.

The perks of being a bad boy, I guess. You can skip school without anybody questioning you. Fine with me anyway. Right now I have no will of seeing him.

I'll admit I was truly disappointed when he acted like that. Because for a moment I'd really thought he might be better than what the rumors described him as. Instead I was completely wrong. Obvious. Oh, well, better finding out now than becoming his friend and discovering the bitter truth. For how I am, such an element could never get along with my calm character.

Now, I said I didn't recognize myself in the mirror, because of the way they'd had me dress ... I would have so much preferred simple jeans and some blouse, casual at its best, but no, it was my first party ever and I needed to be cool, Aisha said, especially considering it was a party my crush had invited me to, even if it wasn't a date.

The Angel,The Devil,The NerdOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora