Chapter 46 - Facing the cobra

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a/n:  I'm not too sure about how many chapters are left,I mean,I thought I'd cut it off at 50,but I can't squeeze everything I plan in four chapters,hence,I'm asking you advice...would you rather if I finished it with a cliffhanger and then continue it with a sequel or would you just want me to keep adding chapters here?

let me know what you think about the chapter :)



Amazingly, we arrived punctual at school. Apparently, we're still the hot news of the week, so when our peers saw me hopping off Eric's car and then him coming to wrap his arm around me, as usual entangling his fingers in mine, they were still dumbfounded. It's easily explained when you think that, these days, I've heard girls whispering that they were sure he was hanging around me only because I was the last one missing, the last notch on his belt, the belt that counted pretty much all girls in our school.

What irked me more weren't their assumptions, but the thought of my boyfriend having bedded pretty much all girls in this darn school. It's maddening, because now I'm bound to pay more attention to those girls that normally eat him alive and wonder when and if he actually slept with them.

Hence, unable to resist, once we were in front of my locker, Eric waiting for me to settle my things, even though, our first period was Gym, I wasn't able to bite my tongue as I asked: "Eric, have you seriously bedded all girls in here?"

His eyes practically bulged out and I sighed, knowing that was a clear sign of confirmation. A bit demoralized, I closed my locker and moved away, mumbling that it didn't matter, even though it was a bit of a lie, because for as much as I'm trying to convince myself that he loves me, while those other girls were just one-night-stands, it's still maddening that he's had so many other ... let's say conquests before me.

I'd barely made two steps that I felt Eric wrapping his arm around me, leaning his temple on mine as he, amusedly, admitted that all those rumors about him being such a player, they were all fake, just a consequence of his being the school's bad boy, but in truth: "Tallie, I've barely slept with a dozen girls, imagine the whole school."

I frowned. A dozen might not be much, but it's still a good number ... "A dozen?" I repeated as we walked to class, complete oblivious of the looks we've been receiving from our peers since Monday and that I'm starting to wonder if will ever stop.

Eric kissed my temple as he confirmed: "I'm not the player they picture me as, baby, I can assure you. Besides, I've spent the last two years on and off with ..."

He didn't finish the sentence, but I filled in with a sigh: "Dana."

A bit guilty, Eric confirmed, but quickly reminded me that it was nothing with her, she's always been no more than a booty call. I grimaced at the word, but he kept going: "Tallie, even if I slept with her, it was to forget you."

Oh, that doesn't help. It means she's the one girl able to make him forget about me. It means that, if there's one girl that could ever try to steal him from me and succeed, that's her. But I shook my head to remind myself that he loves me, not her. He's never felt anything for her, I have been, as he keeps telling me, gripping his heart since eight years. Eight long years. He's been loving me for eight long years. Not even Miss Dana Perfectly Perfect Langley can beat that. Hence, I gladly let myself smile as I sank in my boyfriend's arms while we walked towards the gym.

I ignored the whispers of the girls around me as I got changed in the lockers room, but when a girl from my Creative Writing class approached me and slyly suggested me to get lost soon because Dana and her minions were on their way here and, rumor had it, she hadn't been acting on her begrudging me all week simply because my boyfriend was always with me and she knows better than to provoke his bad temper, but, always rumor had it, she wanted to catch me solo and have a "little chat" with me ... a chat that, the girl was sure, would end all but good.

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