Chapter 21 - Maybe alone is better

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Ok, breathe, Natalie. Breathe. It's just a tutoring session. Nothing else. We've been alone already. It's not the first time. But the odds are different ... while last week I was afraid of his easily enflamed character, now I was more anxious about my hormones driving me insane because I finally came to admit that, possibly, I do feel attracted to him. Be it just physically. After all, he is a very hot specimen.

Mom was at work, but this time she knew I'd have someone coming over, because I told her there was the rumors about this Math test next week and considering what I slouch I am, I needed help, and there was this boy that had offered ... at the word boy she instantly got stern, giving me that reprimanding look that means she's about to give me her usual speech about how am I supposed to pay attention to boys, because they're not always what they seem.

Do you know what I replied? He is trustworthy. Why? I have no idea. Because it wasn't just to calm down my overprotective mother, it was truthful, like I truly felt Eric could be trusted. At least to some extents. Somehow I was sure he wouldn't do anything, ever, to hurt me. Not physically at least. Because he cares. I reminded myself, the inevitable grin spreading on my mouth. Because I matter. I matter to him.

When the bell rang, I nearly jumped, trying not to think of both Aisha and Jamie, when I recounted her everything, insinuating that the boy might seriously have the hot shots for me, and that's why he cares.

"Ain't no other reason why Rudeness Personified Rivers would be kind with you."  My best friend claimed yesterday over the phone. I didn't reply, not knowing what to say, shifting the subject to when or if would she be able to visit me. She said she'd see to convince her father these days, but it was hard. If all went wrong, then we could still see each other for the Spring break, when she'd pester her father to take her, and was certain to succeed.

Taking a deep breath, I went to open. To greet me, the sight of an as hot as always Eric gripping one hand of his backpack that was hanging loose on his shoulder, like always. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a blue t-shirt covered by a light blue open shirt that was up to his sleeves, showing me half of his strong arms.

I tried to focus on the thought that despite being January, our weather is pretty warm, so coats and everything are not truly needed, other than ogle his light tanned skin. I might feel attracted, yes, but only because he's hot, and there's no reason to check him out so shamelessly, is there?

I mustered enough courage to smile at him and move aside to let him in, so he entered, a very, very light smile quirking up his lips just as he glanced at me, who had just closed the door. As he moved towards the living room, I self-consciously looked down at myself ... I was a mess, wasn't I? I had to clean up the house this morning, because mom had to work and tomorrow we'll be having guests, and considering I want to sleep on Sunday ...

It took me hours and hours, but in the end our house was shining. Negative aspect: I didn't have time to take a shower, so now all that I was wearing were simple black sweats bottoms and a grey turtle-neck top, hair in a messy bun, grey sneakers at my feet, simply because that was the comfiest outfit for a Saturday spent doing the Cinderella. I just hope I didn't stink of sweat. It's just that inside it was hot and with all that movement, I practically threw my hoodie on the other side of the living room and ran upstairs to grab the first top I found.

Not wanting to make him wait, I sighed inaudibly, pushing back the miserable thought of Eric seeing me in such a sloppy state, I walked into the living room, literally crashing into his hard back because I hadn't seen he was still standing at the entrance of the room. I stepped back instantly, but, creepily, I did take in his manly scent, which only added confusion to my insane mind.

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