Chapter 35 - The Place

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When I asked Sophie to get off earlier, she obviously inquired as to why, so I had to admit that my boyfriend wanted to take me somewhere, to which she gleefully told me I may as well take all the rest of the afternoon off, so that I could get changed and be ready for whatever my sweetheart had in mind. Useless to say I blushed at that. I picked up on her generosity and headed home, texting Aisha to ask her to come over and maybe help me pick something nice to wear. Of course she immediately agreed.

Eric didn't say where he would take me, whether I had to be casual or elegant or whatever, so I just decided I'd opt for something comfy but also nice. Obviously rejecting everything that Aisha suggested that was more than five inches above my knees, aka, everything that showed too much of my skin. It's true that our weather, even being the beginning of February, is pretty pleasant, I mean, not warm but neither too cold, but neither was I willing to show off my skin so willy-nilly. As mom keeps on telling me, he's gonna have to wait to see something more than arms and more than peek at my cleavage.

Was it for her, he'd have to wait years, but I'm just waiting for the right moment. I am not ready. For as much as I do feel attracted to Eric, as that dream I had clearly demonstrates, that doesn't mean I am ready to take such a huge step. That moment will come. Just ... not so soon. Honestly, I also want to be sure of what we are before just giving up my virginity to him, which he'll ... have, I think. I mean, I am not ready but I have ... sort of ... thought of doing it with him. Maybe because he's my boyfriend and as naïve as it sounds, I do hope we'll last more than two weeks, or maybe because I really do feel attracted to him, but ... yeah, when he holds me part of me does drift to that sinful thought.

Mom was still at work when I came back home, but before taking a shower I texted her to ask if I could go out tonight and she asked why, so I explained and she wasn't too sure, because it's just Monday and tomorrow there's school, but I assured her that I wouldn't cut classes, no matter how late we were, and she objected that I was to be home by midnight anyway. Deal.

When Aisha arrived, we started going through every single piece of clothing there was in my wardrobe, but of course, we found nothing, and she forced me to promise we'd go shopping on Friday because it was "absolutely indecent for an 18-years-old cute girl like me to have such a poor wardrobe". I giggled at her statement but she was dead serious, so I had to agree. After all my Friday afternoon is free. Well, I'd really gladly spend it with my boyfriend but ... we can't just be lovebirds all the time, can we?

In the end, I opted for dark blue faded jeans, which were not too loose but neither skinny, and a long blue v-neck pullover that almost looked like a mini dress, black mid-calf boots. Aisha suggested I wore just the pullover, because it was enough long to go solo, and indeed it does go solo, as Paula suggested me when she gave me it for my birthday a couple of years ago, but I argued that while not being a giant, I am somewhat tall and considering it reached my mid-thighs ... well, no, thanks. I mean, while I do want to look pretty for Eric, neither do I want to make him blackout just at our ... well, second real date. And again, as prude as it sounds, he's not gonna see anything he shouldn't before due time. Besides, I'd never feel comfortable with things that expose my skin so willy-nilly.

Aisha wanted to adjust my hair at least, especially when I refused to wear makeup (except for some Chapstick and powder that would make me look a little less pale) and I even kept my glasses, so she curled my straight hair, but just enough to let it be only wavy, my fringe falling on one side but being enough long to be tucked behind my ear. Overall, when I looked at myself in the mirror I felt ... ok. Not drop dead gorgeous, like I'll never be, but ... ok. It was a casual attire, very different from the one I wore for our first date, but considering I had no idea where would he take me, it was perfect, I think.

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