Plan B

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Finley's POV:

The sound of paper ruffling and being unfolded was the only sound that could be heard in the abnormally silent room. We were all waiting patiently for what Thomas had to say.

"There, that's it," Thomas pointed excitedly at a circled spot in the centre of the paper that seems to be a map. Lines are drawn messily across the paper, different shades of beiges being used, and words written to decipher the towns and cities that are all more than likely no longer there. A sketch is drawn in the far corner to show the four cardinal directions along with a key to show what the different colours and lines mean. "It's a few hundred miles. Based on the railways, everything that Aris and Finley told us, that's gotta be where they're heading. That's where they're taking Minho." Vince began to sit up straighter, taking in the information he was being given. Newt, Brenda, Fry, and I watching intently, waiting to see what Vince has to say. "We take everyone who can fight. Follow the roads where we can. We can make it back within a week."

"A week?" This is the only thing Vince has to say in reply to Thomas' quickly thought-out plan. "It took us six months to get here. We got over 100 kids here now. We can't just hang out here forever after what we just pulled. You wanna wander off to some random point on a map. You don't even know what's there-" Vince is cut off from lecturing Thomas and his idiotic plan by the sound of a wise voice I had missed more than I would have thought.

"I do," Jorge calls, standing in the shadows of the doorway on the far side of the room. He takes slow steps into the room, examining each person that stands around the table, a small smirk etched on his face. "It's been a few years, but I've been there..." He takes a dramatic pause. "The Last City... That's what W.C.K.D called it. It was their whole base of operations. If that city is still standing, that's the last place you wanna go, Hermano. That's the lion's den." Jorge stands in front of Thomas and beside Vince, standing straight as he attempts to talk some sense into the boy while also giving him information that would be useful.

I sighed, jumping off of the work bench I was sitting on and joining the others around the table. "From what Doctor Paige told me, there is top security surrounding that city, Thomas. If we are going to go-"

"We are not going," Vince cut me off. Nonetheless, I ignored him and continued.

"If we are going to go, we will need to plan. Even then it is a suicide mission. Barely a chance that we will walk out alive. "

"Not barely a chance, there would be no chance," Vince, once again, cuts in.

"It's nothing we haven't done before," Thomas shrugged off.

"Yeah, with months of planning and reliable information, the element of surprise. None of which we have now," Vince spoke up.

"Vince, I've thought this through. Would you just hear me out-" Thomas tried.

"The last time we went off half-cocked, I lost everything! You remember that?" His voice lowered at his last words. Eyes ablaze, staring down at Thomas. Immediately, I looked down at the table, remembering very vividly the night W.C.K.D attacked the Right Arm. That night Mary along with many others were killed. That night Minho and I along with many others were taken to be killed. "Look, I know it's Minho, all right? But, you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for two people... I won't do it."

Thomas could not meet Vince's eyes, instead, he stared gloomily at the map that lays in front of him. Suddenly, a static sound came over on the radio. Muffled voices communicating with one another. "Searching the grid now," the voice cuts out.

"A is completed," another voice spoke. The sound of static becomes lessened with each word and each second we listen to the radio.

"Scanning B-sector now," A third voice informed the others.

A look of realization dawns upon everyone besides me who was left confused with what I was hearing from the radio. Thomas stood up frantically, startling me. "Shit! Hit the lights." He orders.

"Go! Let's go! Let's go!" Jorge called, rushing to shut the lights off. Turning the lever down, the power shuts off as do the lights and the generator. Vince and Thomas run outside with me following behind, trying to figure out what was going on and what to do. Everyone, including all the kids, run into hiding as the lights turn off one by one down the buildings they occupy.

The deafening sound of two bergs hovering in the distance. The bergs lights project down upon the ground below them, scanning the ground, grass, and fields for any clue or sign of the Right Arm.

"Jeez," Vince breathed out. Watching the Bergs fly in the opposite direction. "They're getting close."

"You're right," Thomas stared intently, fighting with himself on the inside. "We can't stay here." Vince and Thomas look towards one another, sharing a look before Vince pats Thomas on the shoulder and heads back inside the building to check on the others.

I watched the bergs with wide eyes and then moved my frightened gaze to Thomas. The way he looked off into the distance at the Berg, I knew that he was planning something.

"Whatever you're planning, count me in."

"What- Fin, no."

"What, Thomas, yes." I mocked. "I don't care what it is or what it entails, I don't care if it results in my death, I am coming with you as long as it includes saving Minho and all those other kids from that hell hole," I spoke in a demanding tone.

Thomas shook his head, "no, I can't let you get hurt. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt." He turned around and headed back towards the building without giving me the chance to say another word.

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