Something Strange

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Usually, waking up is the move from the world of wonders, hopes, and dreams into a new day. A reality that is all too bitter. A reality I would love to avoid. However, when my eyes flutter open, expecting to be blinded by the light of the sun and the chirping of birds, I find myself in a dark room. Completely dark without a trace of light. It brings me back to when I was stuck in the compound, being a prisoner, a lab rat, and a hostage to W.C.K.D. 

I sit up straight, frantically looking at my surroundings to see where I am. Thoughts I did not want to think of any longer forced it selves into my mind; thoughts of being rescued is a mere dream and Gally being alive was a figment of my imagination.  But, as quick as those thoughts come, I push them away when I notice a small lantern sitting on the corner of a desk. Gally's desk. I look down at where I am sitting and see a bed. Gally's bed. I take notice of the clothing that I am wearing currently- a navy blue t-shirt and black cargo pants, both of which are two sizes too big. Gally's clothes. A familiar scent radiates through the room with each breath I take. Gally's scent. 

I let out a small sigh, realizing this was all real. Not a dream. Not a figment of my imagination or some test run by Doctor Paige. 

I slip out from underneath the thin- but warm- blankets and reach for my boots. I slip my feet in and tie them up before standing up and rushing out to find the others. The sun is setting and I can assume I have been asleep for a few hours now. I wander around the large abandoned building, trying to find the room the others were in before Gally brought me to his room. And, after countless minutes of walking and asking a very nice woman, I found the room where everyone was. Including Newt and Thomas. The two seemed to have resolved whatever had happened earlier.  

Everyone seems grim, a gloomy cloud floating over all of their heads. It's strange. That is until Brenda notices me in the doorway. "Hey, Fin!" She plasters a smile onto her face that does not quite reach her eyes. And, at the sound of my name leaving Brenda's lips, everyone's heads whip in my direction with similar fake smiles forced across their faces. "Did you sleep well?" She continued to ask.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly while taking steps further into the room. Why are they acting like this? Are they seriously not going to tell me what is going on? Why can they not just tell me? I mean, it would help me have peace of mind knowing that there is nothing more than a little bit of a rocky moment between the two good friends. If nothing else, why would they lie? "Is everything okay?" I question. 

Everyone glances at one another. Jorge clears his throat, Brenda takes great interest in a thread hanging from her jacket, and Fry scratches the back of his neck. I look to Gally and once our eyes meet, his gaze falls to the blue papers spread across the table in front of him. My brows furrow deeper and I look over to Thomas and Newt who stand by one another. 

Definitely, something strange going on- 

When there's something strange in the neighbourhood! Who you gonna call?-

Focus Finley! 


Why is that song always stuck in my head? Where is it even from? 

Newt parts his lips as if he is about to say something, he licks his lips and clears his throat. His mouth opens and shuts like he is a damn fish. 

"Spit out," I tell him, taking a few more steps into the room until I am standing at one side of the circular table. 

"We're just making a plan. A little more difficult than we expected," Newt explains quickly. Once he says all he has to say, his eyes fall to the same paper that Gally still has yet to look up from. 

"Yeah," Thomas speaks up. "We all have agreed that Teresa is our best shot at getting Minho back. So, we're just making a plan to get her." 

I guess, Thomas changed his mind. 

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