Biscuit Withdrawal

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"No. There's gotta be another way," Thomas turned to face where we all stood, surrounding a table. 

"Like what?" Gally stood straight from where he was using his arms to prop himself up against the table, his hand smacking down against a pile of blueprints and maps, presumably of the Last City. "You've seen the building, she is our only way in." 

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas asks exasperatedly.

"She'll have to if we don't ask her for her permission." Everyone's eyes move from flitting back and forth between Gally and Thomas to me. "What?" I shrug as I take another bite of a biscuit, kudos to Lawrence after I threatened him. Surprisingly, he obliged. "You could kidnap her, cut off all of her toes, force her to lick dirt until she agrees to help us. All just options," I listed off amongst taking another bite. 

"Thanks, Fin, for the great ideas. I'll consider your help if we do decide to kidnap Teresa," Thomas mutters as he rubs his jaw in appalment of me. 

Do not know why he would be appalled though. 

"Wait, we're talking about Teresa here?" My eyes widen.  

"Yeah, who else did you think we were talking about?" Frypan asked as he reached to grab one of my biscuits. 

I slapped his hand away from the plate before answering, "I don't know. Either way, I say give her a taste of W.C.K.D's medicine." 

"Jeez. You can't even spare a biscuit for the man that supplied you with them for so long?" He pouts jokingly. 

"No. Sorry not sorry, but I was on biscuit withdrawal for too long," I smile cheekily at the boy standing beside me. 

"No, no." Thomas sends me a harsh glare. My head whips in his direction as I had forgotten I was speaking to him mere milliseconds ago. "We are not doing that, Fin. Not a chance." I roll my eyes at Thomas, but as I do so, I notice Newt. He is leaning against the table, his chin resting his hand as he stares- or more so glares- at the empty corner of the room. My brows furrow as to why he would be mad. Maybe he's jealous. Maybe because Thomas is talking about Teresa. I mean, if he is mad, it is understandable. I am mad too. It baffles me slightly at the fact that Thomas would even give a second thought to Gally's plan as it seems like the only plan to get Minho back. 

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct?" Brenda states to which I hum in confirmation. "Same dick?" 

"I like her," Gally admits, nodding his head and jutting his thumb toward Brenda. 

Thomas paces slightly on the spot where he stands. "What's going on?" Brenda asks softly. 

"What, are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt?" Newt asks suddenly. His gaze moved from the corner of the room to look up at Thomas. That is when I realize the look in his eyes. The hate and anger. The emotionless look. "Hm? Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" I look down at the biscuit that I hold between the fingers of my hand. My mind immediately began to race. 

Oh no. No, no, no, no

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas' brows furrow, turning to face Newt. 

"Teresa," Newt seethes. "She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place. Now, we finally have an opportunity to get him back." Newt steps forward, closer to Thomas. Each word, a closer step. Closer and closer until they are chest to chest, nose to nose. Thomas backs up slightly, but Newt takes the space away once more. "And what? You don't want to because of her?" Thomas backs up, once again. Newt takes a step forward, once again. Jorge shares a look with Frypan, both confused. 

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