Not Doing This Again

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Teresa took my hand and placed it over the cloth that is pressed to Thomas' wound. She mouths 'hold it' before glancing around, trying to think of a plan. However, it seems like we have run out of luck. It is a dead end, Janson has a gun, and he surely will not let us leave this room alive. 

I listen carefully to the sound of Janson's boots hitting the tiled flooring. Steady and slow. Only one step every other second as if any fast pace movements will scare us. From where I am sitting, I can see the top of his head pass by over the cabinet in front of me, the cabinet that is like a safeguard between him and us. My attention is removed from Janson when Thomas lets out a low groan, my head snaps in his direction, eyes wide. He shifts from discomfort and pain. I swing my hand out and place it over his mouth to keep any more sounds stifled. 

Thomas slowly moves his gaze to look at me, a sincerity glimmering in the depths of his dark chocolate eyes. A lining of water threatens to spill over the edge in the corners of his eyes and he gives me a pleading, almost begging, look as if to tell me to leave. I only shake my head in response. There is no way in hell I am leaving him behind. 

Teresa points for me to move in one direction, and as quietly as possible, I shuffle myself and Thomas to sit underneath the desks, wedging ourselves into hiding. Teresa gives me a nod before turning and crawling away. I reach forward and grab her arm before she is out of reach, giving her a questioning look. She takes my hand off of her arm and gives me a small smile before moving out of reach and out of sight. 

"Shit," I breathe out. Looking back to Thomas who is barely able to keep his eyes open, he seems unaware of Teresa's disappearing act. His head slowly lulls to the side, resting atop my shoulder. I try to shake him, to keep him awake, and he responds with a groggy groan. 

"I admit, Teresa, you had me fooled," Janson speaks slow and steady, just like his steps. "I thought we were friends." The sound of glass shattering causes me to jump, Thomas' head rolling off my shoulder causing him to jump awake. "Maybe it is just in your nature to betray the people closest to you." I stiffen when I see Janson walk past us, holding my breath as if it will help me disappear into the metal of the desk that I am leaning against. 

The sound of metal falling startles me, my heartbeat skipping a beep before completely stopping as a gunshot rings out. Thomas grips my hand that still holds the blood-drenched cloth to his wound, looking for some form of security. 

"Come on. Let's not prolong this." I hear the sound of a gun cocking. "We both know there's no way outta here." His boots squad against the tiles, an eery quietness follows until he continues. "Let's not make this any more painful than it needs to be." Thomas wedges himself out of behind the desk, crawling his way out into the openness. I grab him and pull him back, careful to avoid touching the wound that he now cradles with care with one hand, the other digging into the tiled floor to stop me from pulling him away from Teresa's aid. I pull him back to where he once was sitting and to where is now glaring at me. 

"I'll go help. You stay here," I whisper firmly before crawling in the line of path he was just about to follow. My hand almost slips from Thomas' blood that covers my sweaty palms. 

"Finley..." He sings in a sing-song voice, but it sounds dreadful to the ears with the underlying raspiness of his voice. "Thomas..." His voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, to begin with, and singing is no better. "Teresa..." 

From where I am sitting, I can see Teresa. She is leaning against one of the tables before she begins to crawl toward the direction I had just left Thomas in. And, the direction I see Janson walking in. My eyes widen, my breath hitches, my heart stops as I watch Janson step out in front of Teresa, gun held high and pointed directly at Teresa. She gasps and crawls backwards, trying to keep as much room between herself and Janson as possible. 

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