Save Us

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I skip every other step, not wasting time as my feet clang against the metal steps, an echoing thunder follows through the stairwell. The smell of smoke and ash burns my nostrils as I continue one more set of stairs before the faint lining of a metal door comes to view at the top of the stairs. As I jump the last step, a small sign posted beside the door tells me what floor I am on. 

I let out a huff before pushing the door and stepping through the threshold. I look up and down the hallway, the building swaying with a light rumble under my steps. I count the doorways I walk by. 974A... 974B... 974C... 975A... 975B... 976... 977A... 977A... 978A... 978B... 979... 980A... 980B... 980C... 980D... 981... 982A... 982B... 983... 984A... 984B... 984C... 985A... 985B... 985C... 985C! My heart leaps with relief at the sight of the numbers engraved into the small, black plack. I rush forward quickly, swinging the door open to be greeted with a sight that makes my heart stop and my stomach drop. 

There is a red leather exam table in the centre, metal lab tables surrounding the walls of the room covered in papers, manila folders, pens, files, and computers that glitch between a static screen and one with test results and patient information. And then, in the far corner, in a small glass cubicle is a face I thought I would never see again. He is sitting on the ground, pushed as far into the corner as possible, sitting with his arms wrapped around his legs, pulling his knees close to his chest. "Theo?" My voice cracks. 

His eyes slowly move from his bare feet, across the tiled flooring to look at me. His eyes are glazed over, no longer a vibrant green like mine. "F-Fin?" He stutters out barely loud enough for me to hear. I let out a breath at the sound of my name. He remembers me. It is not too late. 

"Yes. Yes, it's me, Theo." I let out a breathy laugh. "Oh my god," I rush toward him, clasping my hand around the latch of the cubicle. 

"NO!" He shouts, his voice raw and animalistic. "No, no, no." He breathes heavily, shaking his head from side to side. "You can't- I have to stay here. You need to go, Fin!" He cries out, tears start to cascade down his cheek, mixing in with the black blood dripping down his chin. "Go. Just... just leave me here." I let out a laugh, thinking he is joking with me from being used to him always joking and playing tricks and pranks on me when we were younger. However, I soon realize he is not joking. In fact, quite the opposite. He is dead serious. He wants me to leave, and I do not understand why. I was expecting him to be glad to see me, but I suppose not. "Please, Fin. Leave." 

I unlatch the door and step through the glass threshold, hovering over Theo like we are children again- or, at least, hovering over him until he had a growth spurt. I hold my hand out waiting for him to take it, but he only pushes himself further into the corner. I sigh before leaning forward and pulling on his arm with all the strength I can muster and pull him to his feet. He fights against my grip but reluctantly falls into my grasp. 

I hold him for a moment in a tight embrace, trying to hold my tears back. I finally let go and throw Theo's arm over my shoulder and lead him toward the stairwell, and are met with flames that lead downwards. 

"Fuck," I gasp. "Fuck," I repeat another several times before realizing that, "the only way out is up." I begin to climb the set of stairs, dragging Theo with me, his weight on my shoulder getting heavier and heavier with each step. "Come on, Theo. You gotta help me out a little." 

"I-I can't. You need to go." 

"No way in hell am I leaving you." I trudge up a few more stairs until we get to floor forty-seven's landing, and suddenly, the weight of Theo pulls me down to my knees. He collapses into a fetal position on the floor. I hurriedly move and try to pull him up, my arms ache and my legs teeter. I almost fall face-first down the stairs from my failed attempt at lifting him. 

"Leave, Finley. Save yourself," he growls out. His eyes are fully glossed over, nose runny, and black saliva dripping down his face. His eyes glimmer with anger then pain, and back to anger. "Why don't you listen?! GO!" He shouts. 

"I am not leaving," I shout back, my voice breaking out into a sob.  

My heart pangs and I feel a sense of defeat. I lost Newt tonight– a boy that was not just one of my best friends but was like a brother to me from the moment I woke up in the Glade and became a lifeline when I lost Ben, and then when I 'lost' Gally.

I lost too many people I love. Ben, Winston, Chuck, Clint, Jeff, Alby, Zart– all the Gladers– and, my mom. I do not think I will ever come to terms with and forgive all the things she did, but she was still my mom. Now, all I have left is Theo. 

I cannot lose Theo too. 

I take a deep breath and pull him to his feet, latching my hands tightly around him. I practically drag him the next three floors– taking an occasional break for a breath or when I lose grip of Theo– until we come to an end. A single metal door. I smile briefly before pulling Theo and myself towards the door. I wrap my hand around the metal knob and ignore the pain as it scorches the skin of my palm. I shove the door open and tumble through it with Theo at my side. 

I look up and see Teresa and Thomas a couple of feet ahead, breaking from a kiss when they see us. Thomas' eyes are dropping shut and Teresa's face is tear-stained. She opens her mouth to say something but is stopped when a loud explosion comes from behind us. Theo and I fly forward, my hands and knees skid across the tarmac on top of the roof of the building. My ears ring as I slowly lift my head, I look over to see Thomas and Teresa fine, startled but fine. I glance over my shoulder to see the door busted off of its hinges, a flaming fire of red burning through our chance of escape if Jorge and Vince do not show up. 

God, I hope they show up. 

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now