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It felt as though everyone was watching us as we walked through the building, following Gally to only god knows where. The funny thing is that everyone was watching our every move and our every step. Chills and shivers sparked up the back of my neck as I felt the gazes of so many people. It was especially nerve-wracking that almost the majority of these people have guns and other weapons that could kill or seriously harm me or any of my friends with the wrong movement in the blink of an eye.

I tried to focus on something- anything else that did not involve the many stares. The only other thing I could find was Gally. Which made my overwhelming nerves worse, if possible.

I guess Thomas noticed the way I was skittish and how nervous I seemed. He reached back and pulled me gently to stand between himself and Newt. He sent me a small smile, hoping to reassure me that everything would be alight, however, the smile I returned did not meet my eyes. I can tell by the way he is looking at me that he was dying to know what Jorge and I talked about moments ago. I could tell he knew that whatever it was majorly impacted Jorge as the older man seems to be downhearted, more so than I had ever seen the man to be.

I knew I should not have told him.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Thomas looking over to Newt who walked on the other side of me, the two boys shared a look. And, they both knew the same thing. I did not tell the full truth about what happened when I was taken and held by W.C.K.D. Though, I hope they knew better than to not push.

I focused on the conversation being shared between the old glade members. Frypan had decided to ask Gally what had happened after we escaped the maze. "After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here to Lawrence," Gally explained. I listened intently, only being able to imagine what he had to go through. "This group's been at war with W.C.K.D ever since they took control of the city. But, W.C.K.D can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done."

[ Gally's POV: My hatred and anger towards W.C.K.D sparked through my words at the end. Even if I wanted to or tried to, there would be no way that I could hide my true feelings on the matter. I did not only want to avenge the glade members that we had lost or get revenge for myself and everything I had to endure through the years in the maze, but also revenge for Finley. They were the ones that took my girl away. However, I finally got her back now- not completely though, and I know that. ]

Back to Finley's POV:

The group slowed down their walking pace until they came to a stop, causing me to do the same. Gally turned around to face us all. He glanced back and forth between them and a door.

"Listen, uh..." Gally began, hesitant. "He doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking. All right? And, try not to stare." He added the last part in quickly before spinning on his heels and turning to lead us to the closed door.

I felt a lump grow in my throat at the thought of possibilities. I looked up to Fry, a look of suspicion and confusion etched on his face, a look that matched mine and the rest. They let out a sigh before hesitantly and reluctantly following Gally through the door.

Gally led us into a large, open room. It is dark in contrast to where we just were. Small and faint lights in different corners of the room were all that lit the room. Countless plants were hung and placed aimlessly around the room, and I could not help but take a slight interest in the colours and shapes of the different plants. I watched as Gally went to set his gun down on a table before walking forward to a man in the far corner of the room, closest to the windows.

The man, Lawrence, stood by some roses. Red roses bloomed beautifully in the small rays of sunlight that shined through.

As we got closer and closer to the man, I could hear him repeating the same saying over and over and over; "rose took my nose, I suppose... rose took my nose, I suppose... rose took my nose, I suppose..." The man slowly turned around, half of his body facing the group. However, we could not see his appearance due to the low lighting and the way the sun swarmed in through the window. "Gally..." Lawrence called. Gally sent a curt nod to the man in return. "Glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened."

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now