Attempted Murder

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Minho's arms are still wrapped around me tightly, I look up to see the fear in his eyes. I know that feeling. Afraid to let go, to say something, to do something as if it will trigger me to wake up and have everything be fake. I know this feeling because they did the same thing to me when I was here. "All real," I hear Minho repeating under his breath as if the word is grounding him. Thomas pats Minho and me on the back comfortingly.

"Glad that we are all back together," he smiles, though the smile is quickly wiped off by the echoing of boots hitting the floor behind us. We turn to see two guards rushing forward.

"I got 'em! I got 'em!" The one shouts, lifting his gun to point at us.

"Go this way!" Thomas shouts, leading us down the corridor, and forcing Minho and me to let go of one another. "Come on!" We run down the halls, taking sharp turns but come to a stop when we turn down one corner where we find Janson and two guards behind him appear.

"In here!" I rush, opening the door closest to where I stood. Janson and the guards begin to shoot at us without care if he kills us, after all, there is an order for my death from my own mother. "In here!" The three boys follow behind me and I shut the door, locking it quickly. The banging against the door from the other side echoes in a distant sound as Minho and Newt begin to move a table in front of the door to barricade them out and keep us in. I watch as Thomas looks around, glancing out of the window momentarily.

Minho and Newt move to stand beside Thomas and me, the three of them looking around, trying to think of a way out of this.

"Oh, shit," Newt breathes out with a huff when he realizes that we are trapped. I take a seat on a stool and continue watching them begin to look around as if a magical elevator will appear that will take us down from being trapped on the thirtieth floor.

"We're dead," I state.

"Has anyone ever told you that you need to be a little more optimistic?" Minho tries to lighten the mood.

"How can I be optimistic when we are trapped in here with the only way out being the door that is currently being cut open with a saw by the exact people we are trapped in here to stay away from in the first place?!" I flail my arms in the air to add dramatic effect. Suddenly, the ear-pitching sound of a saw rings through our ears. We look over to see small sparks of fire coming from the crack of the door.

"Any ideas?" Minho shouts over the sounds.

"Lay down and wait patiently for death," I answer, resting my head on top of the table in front of me. This earns me a glare from Thomas before he slowly walks over to the window, looking out once again.

"Maybe," is all he says.

"Oh, hell no. I am not jumping out of the fucking window!" I shake my head, watching from my seat as they move together to pick up a tank of oxygen from the corner of the room. "Why do I even try?" My shoulders slump, waiting for my inevitable death from either jumping out of the window or being cut into two by Janson and his minions who are currently wielding a saw. I wince at the sound of breaking glass.

"Okay, it's doable," Thomas states as the three of them peer over the edge of the now-broken window. I stand and move to join them, looking at how far away the ground is. I begin to feel queasy just at the sight. "Just need a little running start," he mutters. Minho looks at him as if he is crazy while he backs up the furthest distance he can in this fairly small room.

"No way in hell am I jumping," I shake my head. "Are you trying to kill us, Thomas? 'Cause it feels like you're trying to kill us." I spoke with wide eyes. "This-" I point out the window, "This is deathly."

"Finley, we don't have a choice," Thomas says as Newt and Minho move to stand with him.

"We do have a choice. And, I'm choosing no," I glare at him, folding my arms across my chest.

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