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The sound of my boots and his hitting against the ground echoes through the loud hallways. A silence filled the air between us- not a comfortable one. It was a kind of silence that was tense and cold. A kind that made one nervous and the hairs on the back of their neck stand.

I looked from the corner of my eyes, trying to take a look, but I find him already staring. I shivered slightly from the tingling sensation from making eye contact. Though I whip my head to the side, my gaze settling back onto the hall ahead of them. I had been desperately trying to avoid making eye contact with him, more importantly, trying to avoid conversation. However, I knew it was inevitable. Especially, when he offered to walk me to the med wing.

Now, I could only count the seconds before he spoke. Knowing him though, I knew he was stubborn and may never speak to me unless I initiate it-

"Finley," Gally spoke up, contradicting my original thoughts. My eyes widen slightly and my head turns ever so slightly to look at him from the corner of my eye again. His piercing blue eyes stared right back at me. A look of sadness flashed through his ocean eyes when I looked away again. "Finley," he said more softly. He stopped walking, gently grabbing my hand trying to pull me back to stand in front of him. I reluctantly do so. "Fin?" He tries to get my attention, but my gaze remains on the floor. "Can we please talk?" His words were full of pleads.

"Why? What is there to talk about?" I finally meet his eyes, a shrug graces my shoulders as a huff leaves my lips before turning back around and continuing to walk, even though I have no clue where I am going.

Gally sighed, running his hand across his jaw from frustration. He must have forgotten how stubborn I am. How could he when many of his nights in the maze were spent trying to make me forgive him for eating the last biscuit that Frypan made? Gally quickly moves to catch up with me, once again, matching his strides to mine. "Actually, there is a lot to talk about," he clarifies.

"Oh, really?" I looked up at Gally, a frown on my face, acting as though I had no clue what he was talking about.

"Finley." His voice is now more demanding causing a shiver to descend my spine for the millionth time. Gally's voice is so familiar and warm, but so unfamiliar at the same time. It had only been a little over six months, however, it has felt to be years since I had last seen the boy I thought I would be with for the rest of our lives. "Please," he begs.

"Do you remember where we're heading right now?..." I look to him expectantly, cutting off his pleads. "Or, maybe why?... We're heading to the medjacks- or whatever you call it here- because I have a deep cut on my leg. Maybe after I get that dealt with you can continue whining."

"I-" Gally is cut off guard, obviously completely having forgotten about my leg as his main priority rather became talking to me. "I was not whining," he defends himself.

"You were."

"No, I wasn't."

"Just bring me to the med-whatever, okay?" I roll my eyes.

"Okay," Gally gulps.


I sit quietly on a hospital cot, watching intently as a lady carefully wraps my leg up with a bandage compression wrap to keep the new, fresh stitches intact. Gally stands in the corner, patiently while intently watching what the lady is doing.

"Okay, that should do it," the lady speaks up. She stands and gives me a warm smile. "Take it easy and be careful. We don't want to rip those stitches." And, with that, the lady walks out of the room.

Gally's boots shuffle across the ground before he drags a chair over to beside the cot. I hesitantly look at him, his gaze already on me. Gally gulps nervously as he fidgets, his leg bouncing. "I don't think I ever said hi to you since you arrived," he stated. "So... hi, Fin."

With his words, something snaps in me. My brows draw in together, eyes watering almost instantly. "Y-you're alive?!" My voice trembles. Gally finds himself taken aback. "All this time and you were alive. All those tears I cried for nothing."

"Finley," Gally moves forward to sit on the edge of his chair, tears breaking forward in his eyes as well. "I want you to know that the minute after Lawrence and the group brought me in, I have done everything possible to get you back. Lawrence made me a promise to help me find you or..." he takes a breath, swallowing thickly. "Or find out if you were still alive..." He gently reached forward, carefully bringing my hand into his large calloused one. "I was never going to stop looking for you. And, today when I saw those blonde curls, I knew it was you."

"When I saw you sitting on top of that van, I had this feeling. A feeling that I have had a lot. Like the person that mask was someone I knew," I tell.

"Well, you do know me." Gally takes a deep breath, trying to stop the tears. "I was hoping that maybe... that maybe- um," he stumbles over his words.

"Spit it out, Gal." The use of the nickname made Gally look up with wide eyes, a small smile creeping across his lips.

"Maybe we could start where we left off," he offers.

"Um..." My stare drifted to the gun in his holster, a sudden flashback filled my vision.

Gally caught me looking at his gun and moved to cover it up by pulling his t-shirt out from being tucked into his pants. He cleared his throat, "I mean, not like we left off but before that. When we were... you know?... still together. Before everything went to shit," he cleared up.

"I'm not sure we can go back to that, Gally." The look on his face broke my heart. "Not right away. I just had come to terms that you were dead. Now, I have to come to terms with the fact that you are alive. I need time to get used to this being real and not a nightmare."

"Not- not a nightmare?" Gally questions.

"Yeah," I slowly nod. "A nightmare where I finally get you back, just to have you be taken from me again. That's what I was talking to Jorge about earlier. I couldn't tell if this was real or if it was part of some dream, a part of my imagination... I'm not sure if that makes sense..."

"It does," Gally slowly nodded.

"We should focus on getting Minho back. And, after- or whatever may be after, we'll talk again. I'm sorry for making you wait... again."

"It's o-okay," Gally slowly nodded, once again. Sending a small smile, giving my hand a squeeze. Hope glimmers in his eyes. We have no clue what is to come, what outcomes may appear with finally going against W.C.K.D and getting Minho back, but I hope- and maybe Gally hopes too that in the end everyone will be safe. And, I hope in the end, I will have my Gally back.

A/N -

Another Chapter!!!!

I am having major writers block once again! I need ideas for the next chapters to come. I mean, I had it all planned out, but, now- for some reason- it does not seem good or good enough! *insert me balling my eyes out*

Anyways, hoped this chapter was good.

Much love,

- Alex <3

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