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Newt and I walked a few paces behind Thomas and Teresa as we sped walk to the med wing. We approached the elevator and Thomas reached forward to push the button, and we waited. But, Thomas seemed to be a little too impatient, reaching forward to push the button a couple more times with more urgency. "Come on, come on." 

"Chill dude," I pulled Thomas back, noticing a guard nearby take suspicion upon us. Within mere seconds the doors luckily parted open before Thomas bursted from anticipation, and we step through the threshold. Thomas, Newt, and I squish in the back, standing behind Teresa. Thomas' elbow goes to my rib, I let out a squeal before elbowing him back ten times more than he did. 

"Ow, ow. Fin, stop," he whined. And, when I finally stopped, he let out a huff. "It was an accident," he murmurs. 

"Accident, smackident," I shrug. 

"I don't think smackident is even a word-" 

"Will you two bloody stop," Newt huffs as the doors slowly begin to slide shut. But, just before the doors could fully shut, a hand pops between the crack. The doors stop and reopen to show Janson. 

"Hold it," he mutters, taking a step in. His eyes briefly land on the three of us at the back of the elevator before he turns around to face the front, standing beside Teresa. At the mere sight of him, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand.  My grip tightens on the gun as the elevator falls silent, us all staring ahead at nothing in particular. Janson tilts his head to look at Teresa, though she does not meet his eyes. "You're working late," he states the obvious. Teresa chuckles awkwardly in reply. "See, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just..." he trails off, "well, you never give up. Times like this, you need a friend you can count on." 

"I'll bear that in mind," Teresa says, her gaze still focused ahead of her, not sparing Janson a glade. 

"There is one thing you should know, one friend to another." He pauses. "Thomas is here. And, so is Finley Paige." The three of us glance at one another, at his words. A shiver runs through my whole body, goosebumps across my skin at the last name I wish to not have paired with my first. I take a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. This is when Teresa finally makes eye contact with Janson who is already staring at her. "A surveillance picked them up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know, especially with how you and your work were impacted when Finley was first brought here to the Last City for testing. But, there is a chance that they may try to contact you, and if they do, well, I'd like to think that I'd be your first call." 

"Are you going to kill them?" She turns to look at him again, intensity in her eyes. 

"Would that be a problem?" He questioned. 

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you be asking Dr. Paige?" Teresa pauses. "I mean, would she be happy if you killed subject A0?" 

A look of humour passes across Janson's face. "She was the one that ordered it." My heart drops. 

"What?" Teresa blankly spoke, with slightly widened eyes. 

"She said to kill her if she got in the way... such wasted potential," he said the last part with a sigh and a shake of his head.  

"What?" Teresa's voice became quieter, seeming to be unable to understand what is being said. Me too, Teresa. Me too.  The elevator rings when the doors open, signalling that we made it to our floor. "This is me," Teresa said before walking out. Newt followed a second later, then Thomas and, lastly, me. Though, I was sure to bump my shoulder against Janson's as I walked out. The four of us walked hurriedly through the building, Teresa rambling on about who knows what kind of shit. "Thomas, you have to listen to me," she tries again- for the fourth time may I add. "Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might buy him some time, but-" 

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now