Not Weak

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Hammocks were strung from wall to wall. Sleeping bodies tucked in with blankets- that is if the blankets could even be considered as blankets due to countless holes in the no-longer soft fabric because of the multiple moths having claimed the blankets to be their meal years ago. The plush pillows were stuffed firmly with feathers of ducks and other birds, propping up their heads in a comfortable position. The room is dark with only the slivers of moonlight shining through the blinds of the windows.

My shadow cascades across the floor as I work to stay quiet and ensure I do not wake anyone else up. I wore a jacket I was given by Brenda. A gun in my thigh holster that I had stolen before going to bed. My bag was tossed over my shoulder, packed with food and a canister of water. I walk down numerous dark halls until I find my way to where the trucks are, knowing that I would be bound to meet up with Thomas there when he leaves- that is if part of his plan is to leave to find Minho, which I know for a fact it is.

I set my bag onto a wooden table and sit down on the stool, waiting for Thomas who would be arriving anytime soon. Most likely, when the others fall asleep.

"Fin?" Fry's voice whisper-shouts from the dark shadows.

"Fry? What the hell are you doing out here?" I whisper-shout back, standing up from the stool as Fry steps forward and out from the shadows.

"We could ask you the same thing," he smiled slightly.

"We?" I question the use of Fry's words.

"Yeah, we," Fry nodded just as Newt stepped forward from the shadows as well, a cheeky grin plastered across his face.

"Okay..." I slowly nodded, looking between the two. "That was not creepy at all. Anyway..." I take my seat on the stool again, folding my arms across my chest.

"Are you gonna tell us why I woke up to find you missing from your hammock only to find you here? Dressed and with a bag packed?... And a gun..." Newt presses further.

"I'd rather not tell you why. How about you go back to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning, okay?" I try. Newt and Frypan share a look before opening the back of a truck and tossing in their backpacks, which I had not noticed they both had. "We know Thomas is planning something and we know that you are a part of it," Newt continues to further explain.

"I'm not a part of Thomas' plan," I shake my head.

"Finley, we already figured it out. You don't need to lie 'cause no matter what you say, we aren't going anywhere," Fry informs.

"No, I'm being serious. I have no part in Thomas' plan, but..." I say the last word in a sing-song tone. "I did sort of get the idea Thomas was planning to leave to go to the Last City by himself to get Minho, so... I decided to join his plan... without him knowing," I shrugged lightly.

"Yeah, we sort of figured he would be going to the Last City when I saw him take some cans of food from the kitchen earlier," Fry stated while he grabbed a pair of keys for the truck closest to them and the truck that the two boys had tossed their bags into.

"Fry, Newt," I moved to stand in their way, blocking them from going into the truck. "You guys shouldn't be going. Okay? Either or both of you could get hurt and I can't have that happen."

"Finley," Newt looked down at me with sincerity in his big, brown eyes. "You were just taken by W.C.K.D for six months where they tried to force you to work for them, tortured you, starved you, beaten you, and tried draining you of your blood. If anyone should not be going it should be you."


"Finley, he's right. You should stay and rest. You're still weak-"

"Don't you dare say I am weak," I glared at the taller boy, pointing an accusing finger in his direction. Both of the boys suddenly noticed they hit a nerve. Which they did. "I am anything but weak. And, from all the shit I have had to go through- not just in the last six months where my mother ordered for me to be tortured, not in the scorch where I lost my two best friends, not in the glade where I was stuck twice in the maze during the night and was chased by grievers and stung or where my brother was killed along with the love of my life, but also before the maze where I have the unfortunate luck of remembering. Like how I remember my mom sending all of my friends, everyone I care about, to their death or that I remember them sending Gally to the maze without telling me or them taking my brothers. And, I remember my own mother sending me to the maze to die as well! My mother! After all of that, I am anything but weak! I am the strongest person here for god sake!" I whisper-shouted at the two boys. Everything I had been bottling in for some time, finally spilling out- well, more so the bottle being smashed against a brick wall and it fell into a thousand shattered pieces.

"Finley, I never meant that you are weak in that way. I only meant that you should get some rest after everything-"

"I don't need to rest, I need to find Minho. I will not lose another person because of her," I muttered, wiping away the singular, stray tear that had fallen before moving towards the truck. "I call shotgun, and I am not playing rock, paper, scissors for it this time." Newt cannot help but let out a chuckle as he and Fry watch me open the passenger door and take a seat. The lights in the inside of the car had turned on to illuminate the interior when I opened the door, seconds after I closed the door, the lights turned off to leave me in the peaceful bliss of the pitch black abyss.

Frypan and Newt share a look as if they were having a mental conversation. Newt sighs before he nods, agreeing that I could come with them even though it was obvious they had no choice nor say in the matter. I must admit, I can be incredibly stubborn at time. When I have my mind set on something, it's set and that is how it will go- quite similar in comparison to Thomas in that way.

It seems as though my mind is now set on going to the Last City to save Minho. And, that is exactly what I will do.


So, as you all see, the changes I had made to chapter two and why I deleted chapter three (or what once was chapter three) is because Finley is now back with the glader's and will help find Minho rather than being with Minho.

I really loved the idea of Finley being in the Last City with Minho, especially the idea I had of how Gally and her would reunite, however I think having Finley going to find Minho will be better for the story and plot line in general.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience of having to go back and reread the last chapter or maybe you liked it better when Finley wasn't in the train cart with Sonya and Aris. Whatever it may be, I apologize.

And, I will also say sorry for saying sorry so much it is a bad habit that my mom says I have to change, anywho...

We also need a ship name for Gally and Finley!! I am awful at making ship names. In my Liam Dunbar fanfic I had asked for help to come up with a ship name which I was not disappointed with at all. So, hopefully someone can help come up with a better ship name than Fally.

But... the definition of the word "Fally" is "lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight" according to Merriam-Webster, which could be considered as the definition of their relationship in the first book.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this update. I'll have another update next week!

However, I also start school next week which I am not excited for at all. I mean my classes seem pretty okay, but school is shit in general, so, yeah.

Much love,
- Alex <3

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