Wake Up

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"Newt?" Thomas's voice shakes, his hands resting on Newt's chest as he tries to hold back his tears. I step forward slowly before my knees give out and collide with the cement, kneeling beside Thomas.

"Newt? No, no. I gave you the serum, you should have been fine! You should be alive!" I let out a sob. "Come on, Newt! Wake up! Wake up!" I grip the collar of his jacket, shaking him as tears cascade down the side of my face, falling onto his shirt. "This wasn't what was supposed to happen! Remember, if you aren't getting on the Berg, neither am I! If you aren't going to the Safe Haven, neither am I! Come on, Newtttt!! WAKE UP!" I lay my forehead onto his chest, sobbing as my grip on his jacket does not loosen.

I feel Thomas pull on my shoulder, I let him. He pulls me away from Newt and into his arms, the two of us crying into one another's shoulders.

I try to think of a way to blame my mom, it is the only way I know how to refocus my thoughts. It is the only way I know how to stay sane. Most of what has happened to everyone, including everything that has happened to me has been my mom's or W.C.K.D's fault, but this? This is all my fault. Was I not fast enough? Newt is dead because of my selfish reasons. Maybe if I had just stayed here in the Last City, not fighting against everything my mom did or said, then Newt would still be alive. Or even better, cured.

It is not too late for me to save Theo. If I am what it takes to cure my brother, to save him, then so be it. I will do whatever it takes to protect my friends and family. As long as they are safe, I do not see the problem.

I pull away from Thomas' embrace, standing to my feet. I feel like my legs might give out again when I look back down and see Newt's blank stare and black eyes. My lip quivers, but I must keep going. I wipe my tears away, turning around and walking over to the discarded gun on the ground- must be Thomas or Newts.

"W-What are you doing, Fin?" Thomas asks, standing to his feet as well.

"I might not have been able to save Newt, but I will save my brother. Even if it is the last thing I do." I do not let him say anything else before I turn on my heels, rushing the way we had originally come from. Back to the tallest building in the city, back to the W.C.K.D headquarters, back to my mom, back for Theo.

I sprint back through the fire and rubble that has come from the war that continues around me. Tears descend the rounds of my cheeks as I run, they dry from the night breeze only for new ones to fall in their place. I do not let my tears stop me or the fact the lace of my boots had untied. I must keep going.

For Theo.

I run faster than I have ever run. Faster than I had run when I was in the maze, trying to make it back to the maze before the walls close; Faster than I had run when being chased by grievers; Faster than I had when I saw Ben attacking Thomas; Faster than I had when cranks were chasing us in the mall. Faster than I ever have run before.

I feel like I am going to throw up, the bile coming up the back of my throat- not from me being out of shape and being unused to the amount of running, but rather from the mere image that I had put in my head. The image of Theo going through the changing, becoming a crank. The image of Theo dead.

It is weird, really. For the last month, I had believed Theo was dead. I grieved his death- still grieving his death, actually. And, he is alive. This is giving major déjà vu from when I found out Gally was alive after thinking he was dead for a little over six months. And, now? Now, I might lose my brother all over again if I do not make it back in time. Though, I feel like I made it just in time.

I run into the building of the headquarters, and there stands at the end of the hallway, the blonde- almost white head of hair blowing in the night breeze. Her silhouette was almost like a light, leading me in. I come to a stop, debating whether this is what I actually want to do. It is stupid to even be thinking if I should go with her or turn back around since this is Theo I am talking about, my brother for god sake! The only family that I have left. I need to do this.

I take slow steps toward her, my feet dragging against the ground. I raise the gun in my hand, click off the safety and point it perfectly between her eyes. Her blue eyes, the same that Ben had and that Theo has. I had gotten my eye colour from my dad- whoever he is, she never did tell us.

My hand shakes around the grip of the gun, and for the first time ever, my mom looks at me as if I am another human being. As if I am her daughter. As if she actually cares.

"Is it true?" I ask, lip trembling. "Newt... Could I have saved him?" I asked the question that I need to know the answer to.

"You can save us all," she answers. My heart shatters from her words but it is okay, this is not the first time her words have broken me. I am used to it.

"Only if you answer one question," I sniffle, keeping the gun pointed at her with a looser grip. She nods for me to continue. "Why? Why did you do this?"

"It was my job. I needed to find a-"

"A cure, I know," I bite back. "That was not what I was asking. I was asking why did you do this? To Ben? To Theo?... To me?"

"I did not want to, the Board told me I had to. That my children were a part of the generation that was the cure and that I must contribute to the name of science just like everyone else. I had no choice, Lee." She uses a nickname that I have not heard since I was six years old. "I was trying to keep you safe and I thought as long as I kept my eyes on you three, I could keep you guys safe. But I was wrong. I am so sorry, Lee. I really am." A singular tear rolls down her cheek, causing a wake between her makeup.

"And, Theo? Where is he now? What happened?"

"Janson recruited him onto one of his squads, he was bitten in action. Usually, they kill the guards that are bitten right away, but I fought to bring him into the lab, to try and make him better. But, you're here now, and you can save him, Lee. You can save us all."

The gun drops from my grasp, clattering to the ground with soft sobs falling from my lips. "It's okay," she tells me, her heels clicking as she takes slow steps toward me.

"Just leave the others alone," I beg as I hear soft footsteps from behind me, I do not bother to look back.

"I promise," she nods. "I will-" her words are caught with a gunshot. Not one from outside. No, one from right behind her. The shot echoes through the empty building causing me to jump. I look down to see a blotch of red spreading through her blouse.

"Shit," I breathe out. She gasps, her eyes not leaving mine as she swallows thickly. She starts to lean forward, placing her hands on my shoulders to ease herself to the ground. "No, no." I hold her as her body collides with the tiled ground, her breathing stopping instantly. I look back up to see Janson, gun held high.

I watch as he moves forward, not knowing what to do or where to go as he continues to hold the gun pointed at me. And, in a fast, unexpected motion he moves forward and I feel something prick the skin of my neck. I falter backwards, pulling out whatever he just poked me with.

My body goes numb, falling to the tiled floor in a heap.

"ALINA!" I hear my voice called far away. I shiver on the floor, trying to keep my eyes open. This was not supposed to happen. My eyes flutter open and shut as I see someone run at Janson, fighting him before they are pricked in the neck as well, collapsing with a thud right next to me.

"T-Thomas," I breathe out before I gasp for air, my eyes landing on the blonde- almost white head of hair, sprawled out against the tile. Her eyes open wide, staring at me. "F-fuck." Then everything goes into a black abyss.

No, no. I need to wake up!

Wake up, Finley!


What is that?

Another update? Yeah, that's right. Third update in one weekend *insert me patting myself on my back.

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed!!

Much love,

- Alex <3

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara