And he's gone, again... again

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I take a deep and slow breath in an attempt to slow my breathing, and to calm myself in preparation. I remove my gaze from Gally and close my eyes, continuing with another deep breath.  "I'm sorry, Theo," I breathe out once more, and with a new sense of determination, I collide my elbow backwards in a quick motion. Theo lets out a grunt but barely stumbles back. It is, however, enough of a distraction that his grip on the gun and myself slackens. I spin on my heels and attach my hand on his wrist while I use my other hand to try to pry the gun out of his grip. 

He retaliates fast, fighting against my hold on his wrist. His eyes a gleaming black abyss. 

"Finley!" I hear Teresa call and the next I know, she is at my side. I see the vile full of shiny blue liquid that Janson was trying to get earlier in her hand as she attempts to help pry the gun away from Theo. He releases a low and deadly growl beneath his breath before jutting out his foot and colliding into Teresa's abdomen sending her to the floor. I watch with horror-filled eyes as the vile falls from her grasp and rolls across the rooftop and towards the edge. She hurriedly rushes after it, trying to stop it before it goes over the edge, but my attention is withdrawn from her and focused back on Theo as I hear the safety of the gun click. 

"Theo, stop," I beg between heaving breaths. I almost get the gun into my grip but Theo removes his one hand and latches it onto the back of my head, tugging on the crown of my hair and pulling me away. I grind my teeth through the pain and push back against him. He managed to get the upper hand by raising his arm along with the gun. I stretch myself to reach and not lose grip, fighting to bring the gun back to my level which I manage to do with success. I feel Theo's grip tighten and flex around the handle of the gun and my heart stops as a gunshot rings out. My grip loosens from fear as another gunshot rings out. I look up and meet Theo's eyes, tears straining the corners, flickering from a look of anger to a look of sorrow. 

"Lee," he breathes out, stumbling backwards. I immediately drop the gun and wrap my arms around Theo to ease the fall. 

"No, no, no. Theo, hey. Hey! It's gonna be okay!" I shake his shoulders in an attempt to keep him from dozing off. He clutches his hand onto mine and forces a small smile across his face. 

"It will be okay... everything will be o-okay," he splutters. His forced smile becomes lax, and the creases of the corners of his mouth slowly fade. His eyes turn dazed, staring up at the dark night sky unblinkingly. I shake my head violently between my sobs in denial. This cannot possibly happen. It is not happening. My body wracks with sobs as I call out into the night, shaking as I hold onto my baby brother tightly close to me. 

This is not happening. 

I feel a hand grip my shoulder in a comforting manner. However, I feel as though I cannot be comforted. I need to stand, brush off the dirt on my knees and get on that Berg. I need to remember that it is better to forget. 

"It is better to forget. It is better to forget. It is better to forget," I repeat slowly under my breath. I force my sobs down, my body shaking as it tries to fight the tears. The pain that I felt when I lost Ben courses through my body again. It feels as though my whole world is falling, crumbling to pieces. 

And, maybe it actually is. Maybe I am crumbling to pieces.

The ground beneath my knees shakes and wobbles, the echoing sound of explosions seems to get louder, and a spark of light from the corner of my eye catches my attention. It seems like an explosion or missel of sorts has hit the building beside us, and it feels like the glass windows are shattering in slow motion. 

A pair of hands latch onto my shoulders from behind me tightly, yanking me to my feet. I stumble almost falling face-first in return. "Come on, Fin! We need to go!" She shouts seemingly loud. I shake my head and try to walk back to Theo in a way that a baby deer would walk for the first time. However, once again, a pair of hands latch onto my shoulders from behind me tightly. "No, Fin! There's no time, we need to go now!" She steers me away from Theo and towards the Berg. My eyes meet Vince who shares teary eyes like me, seeming sad from the loss of the boy that I had told him so much about when I was younger. 

"I don't wanna go." My voice does not sound like mine at all. It sounds like someone else is saying it. Someone else that is standing far, far away. 

"You have to," Teresa tells me. Pushing me towards the Berg. I try to fight it, try to fight her grip, but she pushes me harder. "Finley! Snap out of it!" Teresa says with concerned eyes. "Come on, you need to go!" She shoves me harder. 

"I don't deserve to," I say emotionless. 

"Yes, you do! You deserve to go to the Safe Haven. Out of anyone here, you do. Put yourself first for once!" She presses the vile of shiny blue liquid into my hand and, with one last shove, I stumble back. A new set of hands wrap around me and I am pulled onto the Berg, pulled away from Teresa. I try to fight against the new set of hands, but they hold onto me tightly. 

"Take my hand," Vince shouts to Teresa, stretching his arm out for her. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles sadly before taking a step back from the Berg. 

"I am sorry, Finley. I truly am." Her words send a chill down my spine as the building beside us collapses, falling onto the rooftop of the W.C.K.D headquarters. Teresa turns to watch it fall, and, once again, it seems as if it is falling in slow motion. I watch as the buildings collapse, Theo's limp body becoming engulfed within the flames and Teresa falling into the depths of a burning abyss. All I hear is a loud cry coming from beside me, my eyes find Thomas who is slowly losing consciousness as he watches them fall. My body shakes and I let myself cry, the tears stream down the rounds of my cheeks as I am held tightly. Instantly, I know that it is Gally. 

The backdoor of the Berg slowly closes as the Last City becomes a speck of burning flames in the distance. Gally pulls me onto his lap as he sits us in one of the empty seats, letting Vince, Minho, Brenda, and Fry help Thomas. He cradles me as if I am broken and he is trying to rekindle me back together. I lay my head on his shoulder, trying to quiet my sobs down, but it is no use. My eyes become blurry from all of the tears and a headache begins. And, that's why when I see the familiar head of sandy blonde hair laying on a coat in the far corner of the Berg, I think I am mis-seeing things.

A/N - 

Another update!!!

A lot happened...

What do you all think? Any thoughts? 

Anyway, hoped you all enjoyed!

Much love, 

- Alex <3 

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