Escaping a Third Shit Hole

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"BRENDA! Are you there?!" I hear Thomas shout into the walkie-talkie as we all jump through the broken glass of what once was a shop.

"Thomas, I'm here." I hear Brenda faintly say as an explosion rumbles off of the ground from just outside, the fire burning across the street, guns being fired, and the screams of anger and pain. I sit beside Newt who pants heavily. Minho is by his other side, asking if he is okay for the hundredth time, to which the only response is a grunt and a curt nod. I feel my heart sink at the sight of the black blood starting to appear on the corner of his lips and the way his pupils have grown double the size, a shiny black. I look over to Thomas, hoping he has a plan to get Newt out of here. 

"We're not gonna make it." My eyes widen, lips parted. His words were not what I was expecting at all, to say the least. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes but the moment his connects with mine, he looks away and focuses back on the walkie-talkie in his hand. 

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Brenda asks urgently. 

"Just take the others. Get everybody out while you still can," Thomas orders. 

I should know by now that this is what is best for everyone. Save as many as we can. When W.C.K.D took me a couple of months ago, I had hoped someone would come and save me, however, at the same time, I wish no one would ever come for me since I knew the danger and risks of the situation. This is no different. Brenda and Fry have to leave. Leave when they can. Save themselves when they can. 

Even as I say this, I do not fully mean it. I want to be safe for once. I want to feel happy for once. I want to feel no worries for once. I want to live for once. 

Not be just alive but live. 

I want to live for once. 

I have Frypan, I have Brenda, I have Minho, I have Newt, I have Jorge, I have Vince, I have Thomas, and I even have Gally with me again. I do not want to lose them. I want to be able to live freely and happily with all of them at the Safe Haven. I do not want to die in this stupid Last City, burning within the walls my mother had built with the knowledge of the millions of people out there suffering and dying. Walls really are her solution for everything. 

"No." I am broken out of my spiral of thoughts with Brenda's single word. 

"Brenda," Thomas sighs, his voice full of exhaustion. 

"I'm not leaving you. Okay?" Her words make me softly smile. "So forget it."

"Even though you should?" Thomas' words underlie with a deeper meaning, I can tell. I glance over to Minho, we look at each other before another explosion drops right outside of the door. 

She is silent momentarily, no words coming from her end. 

Gunshots are fired between W.C.K.D guards and the army of people who have stormed through the burning walls of the Last City. The shots are getting closer to our hideout. Closer and closer. Minho reaches in front of Newt and pushes me down so I am flush with the wall, slouching lowly for the utmost protection we can have at this moment. 

"Thomas, don't worry. I'm coming to you!" Brenda's voice comes through cheerfully. 

"What are you talking about?" Gally, Minho, and I share a glance. 

"Our ride's here!" She laughs with pure joy. "Just look for us near the tunnels," she tells Thomas. He looks over to us, and without a word, I nod. 

"Escaping a third shit hole, for god's sake," I chuckle before standing up to my feet and grabbing a hold of Newt's hands, pulling him to his feet with all my strength I could muster, having to pull up his dead weight. I manage to do so and fling one of his arms over my shoulder, my own arm gripping his waist to keep him standing. I look at the three boys who all wear an expression of hesitancy. "What are we waiting for?" I raise my brows expectantly. I huff, "okay, fine. Stay here but I am not burning to death in this stupid place." I frown before taking my first step, dragging Newt toward the nearest exit of this slowly crumbling building. Thankfully, the weight of Newt's body is lightened. I look over to see Thomas, he sends me a small smile and a nod before we continue, Gally and Minho's boot-clad feet hitting the pavement behind us soon after. 

Minho quickly moves forward and takes Newt from me, allowing Gally and I to take cover for them- me keeping cover from behind and Gally upfront, leading us. 

"All right, Newt, we're almost there," Gally assures.

"Just leave me," he grunts loud enough for us to hear, and before any of us could reply, a car sores past us, flames shooting out. We all jump back, falling to the ground for mere fear of getting hit. 

"Damn, I didn't think flying cars would come for another ten years or so," I huff with annoyance while we stay hidden as best as possible as a group of men run past us. Suddenly, the horrifying sound of an engine humming rumbles from above us. A Berg. 

"Okay, that's them," Thomas informs. "We gotta go. We gotta go." He and Minho go to pick up the limp boy, but Newt fights against their grip. 

"Go without me, man-" He is cut off by coughing, once again. The black veins have now spread up his face, across his cheeks, reaching across his forehead. 

"Minho, Fin." He calls our names without even looking at us, not taking his eyes off Newt. "You guys gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can." Minho and I look at him with disbelief. "You are two of the best runners I know, gives us a better shot." We do not say anything, uneasiness fills the pit of my stomach. "Go," he tells us, a look of seriousness crosses through his eyes. 

"He's right. I can cover." Gally gives me a nod, patting Thomas' shoulder before standing.

I slowly look back to Newt who is panting heavy breaths, his teeth clenched, eyes glossed over. "Thank you," he says between breaths, his eyes barely meeting mine and Minho's. "Thank you, Minho. T-Thank you, Fin. Thank you," he repeats. 

"Hey, you just hang on," Minho tells him. "You hear me?" He does not wait for an answer before standing and joining Gally. 

"Gotta hang in there, Newt. We still need to have another 'girl talk', gotta a lot to catch up on." A small smile breaks onto his face, I smile back but am left with no choice but to leave, following after Gally and Minho. 


FINALLY! She updates! I am probably one of the worst writers on Wattpad to keep up with publishing new chapters and doing it consistently. 

I try my best!

Anyway, hope you all enjoy!

Much love, 

- Alex <3

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