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There were at least a hundred people. All rushing through the streets of the outskirts of the Last City. An awful stench filled the plagued air. Dirt and garbage scattered the ground. The structural integrity of old buildings was crumbling from the years of abandonment it has endured- broken glass, missing doors, and large holes in the walls. Crafted tents were built out of tarps. Old truck engines rattle with the last bit of gas they were able to find. People opted to wear masks covering their mouth or the entirety of their face in desperation to protect themselves from the virus that more than likely has killed one or more of their beloveds.

Dr. Ava Paige never showed me this part of the Last City when she had presented pictures of the modern and fascinating dream-like place. My so called mother had especially not shown the walls that kept these desperate and dying people from the inside safety of the city.

Thomas was leading the group, pushing his way through the crowds. Brenda had pulled her hood up, following after Thomas as she held a tight grip on my hand as she tries not to lose me in the immense amount of people. I try to keep up with Brenda, however, the pain in my right leg slows me down. Brenda seems to take that into consideration, easing the quick pace and allowing Jorge to move ahead of us.

Frypan and Newt though, stay behind the two of us to guarantee they do not lose either of us.

"This place has really gone through hell," I hear Jorge tell Thomas.

"We just gotta stay together."

"WE ARE THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS!!!" A voice shouts, grabbing our attention. I stop, turning around to face the voice as does everyone else. I look around to see where the voice is coming from. I stand on the tip of my toes to look over the top of the crowd to see a van moving slowly through the crowd, people moving to the side to allow the van to pass by. A group of people sat on top of the van, one in specific yelling through a microphone.

The crowd cheered and hollered in agreement with the micro-phoned man.

"THEY HID BEHIND THEIR WALLS, THINKING THEY CAN KEEP THE CURE FOR THEMSELVES WHILE THEY WATCH THE REST OF US WITHER AND ROT!" The van comes closer in our direction. I step back to allow the van to pass by with the rest of the crowd. "BUT THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF THEM!" My gaze moves to a specific individual on top of the van. He sat with a face mask tied tightly around his face, a gun in his grip with his leg propped up. Even though his mask covered his eyes, I could feel his gaze on me. His neck twisted to keep his eyes trained on me in the crowd as he drove by.

Thomas watches the man on top of the van, taking note that his gaze is set on me. Out of instinct, Thomas steps in front of me, blocking the unknown man's view. Thomas keeps a straight and stoic look, his dark chocolate eyes following the man as the van continues to move further and further down the road.

I feel a shiver descending my spine, my hand automatically clutching tighter onto Brenda's.

"AND I SAY, WE RISE UP! AND, TAKE BACK WHAT IS OURS! LET'S BRING BACK A VICTORY!" The man with the microphone counties to shout. Thomas glances over his shoulder, down to me to make sure I am okay, but my attention stays set on the van until it moves out of my sight completely.

We continue to walk, following where the rest of the crowd is heading. We walk through an old building and enter a small doorway before appearing in front of the walls. My eyes widen when realizing the actual size of the walls. "I was going to say that we could just grab a ladder and hop over the wall, but I don't think we can do that anymore," I comment. Brenda shakes her head with a laugh before pulling on my hand, leading me towards the others.

"That's it!" I hear Thomas exclaim. "That's our way in!" Thomas rushes through the crowd and closer to the walls leaving the rest of us with no choice but to follow.

Promises Remade ☆ Gally - TDC | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now