Finding Minho

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My eyes skimmed up and down the hall, glancing at each person in a lab coat that stared at Thomas and Newt with confusion, however, once their gaze set on me, that confusion became fear. I smirked slightly while passing a group of doctors that I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of months back. It is funny really. I was once afraid of them and what they may do to me but now here I am, no longer afraid, and they are the ones terrified, thinking of all the possibilities of what I may do to them. 

I could list 50 ways that I could torture all of these people who tortured me- I would only be using their tactics on themselves, giving them a taste of their own medicine. It would only be fair. And, in the end, I would drain them of their blood just like they had done to hundreds of thousands of kids like they did to Theo. 

I am pulled from my thoughts by Newt grabbing me by the back collar of my jacket and dragging me into a dark room. 

"What the-" I am cut off by Thomas shushing me. "Don't shush me, that's rude," I say with offence. He does not bother saying anything, instead, he rather points through the glass doors. I look over to see a group of guards running down the hall with their guns held tightly in their grips. 

"Code 22 in progress! All R-16 personnel, report to their assigned stations," we can hear someone talking over the walkie-talkies. 

"Shit," I mutter lowly as we watch another group of guards pass by. 

"They're everywhere," Newt mumbles more so to himself. 

[ Gally's POV: I take all of the serum I can fit into the duffle bag, careful that none of the vials break as I do so. And, as I am about to shut the vault door, sirens start to go off with bright flashing lights, I can only imagine that is caused by Fin, Thomas, and Newt. I try to push my worries down, bury them away, and keep telling myself that Fin is all right. I need to focus on getting these kids out of here for now. 

"Okay, we need to get outta here now," I tell them, finally shutting the vault doors. I pick up my gun as I head to the door, " you stay close to me, stick together." I stop in my tracks and turn to the first kid I see, "you. You guard this with your life? You understand?" He looks to his friend whom he stands beside before nodding, giving me confirmation that he understands. "All right, let's go!" I cock my gun and turn to jog out of the bunks at a steady pace. We go through the back way, down multiple hallways and go down the same staircase we had initially come up in. 

We manage to get to the car park where there were groups of guards rushing by with their guns held high. The guards are everywhere, I have no clue how we're gonna manage to get out of this alive. "Stay low! Stay low!" I whisper shout to the kids, stopping behind a pillar to make sure I have everyone. "Go! Go! Go!" I run ahead again, turning a corner where Brenda should be with the bus, but I do not see her anywhere. 

"Brenda, where are you?" I ask into the walkie-talkie. "We're here." I look frantically around, however, I still do not see a bus nor do I see Brenda. That is until we turn another corner and a bus comes skidding to a stop in front of us. 

"Come on! Let's go!" She shouts through the window. 

"All right! Let's go!" I lead the kids to the other side of the bus as Brenda opens the doors for us. "Quickly, quickly! Front and back, front and back! Let's go!" I direct them as fast as I can so we can get out of here. 

"Wait, where's Thomas?" 

My heart drops. Shit

"I was hoping he was with you," I say. I could hear my voice shake through my words, I just hope that Brenda and the kids could not hear the panic. And, even though, she could not hear the panic, she panicked herself. Brenda moves to get off the bus, but I stop her. "Wait, wait. Stay here with the kids. Wait here..." I take a step back from the bus. "I'll find her." A knowing look passes across Brenda's face, us both knowing I am not talking about Thomas anymore. "Just wait for us, okay?" I tell her before jogging backwards, pulling my helmet back on. 

"We're not going anywhere," she promises which is all I need to hear before taking off in a run through the car park. ] 

Back to Finley's POV: 

"Come on," Thomas nodded before standing up and walking out of the small room we had been hiding in. He peaks his head out of the door before nodding once more, signalling the close was clear. We walk at a quick but calm pace through the halls, turning multiple corners and passing multiple nurses and doctors that all know who I am. Though I am confident 99% of them will not say anything to any of the guards. 

We turn down another hall and walk through a crossing, glancing down to my left I come to a halt which causes Thomas to run into my back. 

"What are you doing, Fin?" He asks frantically, he follows the direction I am looking in and his question is immediately answered. 

Doctor Ava Paige stood at the end and once her eyes met mine, she stopped. A look of pain and sorrow crossed her features. I stare at her, having the urge to make her feel the pain that I feel, however, Thomas beats me to it. He grabs his handgun from his holster and points it right at her. She did not react, she just stood there, seeming to have come to terms with what was to be expected to happen next. 

"Thomas! No!" Newt calls before Thomas could have made the shot. Newt grabs onto mine and Thomas' arms, dragging us away as shots are fired at us. I look over my shoulder to see Janson shooting. 

We turn down another hall, are guns pointed as Thomas shouts for Minho. The nurses and doctors begin to panic upon seeing are guns loaded, our fingers ready on the trigger. 

"Minho?" Thomas calls. "Minho!" He calls again. "Minho- Oh shit-" Guards appear at the end of the hall shooting at us, we duck behind a wall, and I fire back along with Newt. 

"Fuck!" I shout as I fire a few more shots, barely missing the ones shot at me. We walk backwards, shooting at the guards coming from that direction, though more guards appear from the side halls which I am quick to shoot with these stupid electric bullets that I know all too well. 

"Guys get down!" Thomas calls. We quickly run and take cover behind a wall, sitting on the floor with our backs against the wall. "Shit, I'm almost out." Thomas leans around the corner, shooting at the guards with his handgun while I watch as Newt moves to the motionless guard in front of us that I had shot. He grabs out some device, looking at it skeptically before pressing a button that emits a beeping sound. 

"Get back!" He pulls Thomas away from the corner and tosses it down the hall to where the guards stood. The device explodes and shocks of electricity hit the guards and the surrounding area, causing the lights above to spark and explode along with it. 

"Holy shit, Newt!" I laugh as we turn to run down the hall. 

"Let's go! Go!" Newt hollers as we go to run down a side hallway but are ultimately stopped by a guard that rounds the corner. 

"You three, freeze!" He shouts. "Get down on the ground! NOW!" I notice the way that the guard's hands shake as he holds his gun up, "I said get your-" He is cut off by being thrown into the wall he stood beside. 

"No way-" I breathe out with a smile. 

Minho yells in the guard's face before grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and throwing him through the glass. Minho yells loudly once more before taking deep breaths, shaking slightly from the adrenaline. He turns to face us while he pants, the three of us stare at him with shock before rushing forward to hug him. 

"Minho-" Thomas says between breathes as we all clutch onto the boy. 

"Is this real?" He asks looking between us as Thomas and Newt pull away, but I do not. I continue to hug the boy tightly as I nod against his chest. 

"It's all real, Min. We're here," I smile, holding back my tears as I speak. Minho lets out a breath and wraps his arms around me tightly. "All real." 


Guess who's back! Back again! Minho is back!! Tell a friend! Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back!!!

We finally got Minho back! However, that is not the end of the story, there is a lot more to come, and I cannot wait to write these chapters. Stayed tune 'cause it is a rollercoaster. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Much love, 

- Alex <3

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