Road Trip, Baby!

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Frypan had joined me in the dark truck while Newt waited for Thomas to arrive, knowing that he would be soon.

It was silent, eerily silent. That is one thing Frypan hates. He has had many attempts of starting conversations, each attempt being dismissed by me not replying. "So, how was Minho last you saw him?" Fry asked carefully, obviously unsure of what may cause me to be enraged once again.

I sighed. My silence finally breaking. "Tired," a one-worded answer.

"I'm sure," Fry nodded. "God only knows what he is being put through right now in the Last City."

"I can tell you that he is going through hell," I told truthfully, sitting in the passenger seat, fiddling with the sleeves of my jacket.

"Can I ask you a question?" Fry turned in his seat to face me.

"I think you're going to ask me no matter my answer." I gestured my hand for him to continue to talk, my gaze fixated on the front window ahead of me.

My answer made Frypan feel uneasy. I had definitely changed in the last six months, and that is for sure. I try to act like I am the same; happy, go-lucky, ball of sunshine. But, I can tell that Frypan knows I am no longer that same ball of sunshine even if I joke around like I used to- or try to joke around. Fry knows better. He knows that I am now a girl that is dazed off in my own world majority of the time. I see how Frypan wishes he could help bring back that ball of sunshine I once was, but he does not know how to.

He knows that I had gone through some awful things and surely seen awful things too, all things inflicted by my mother and Janson.

Frypan cleared his throat. "Do you know what they are doing to him?"

I looked to Frypan. Silent once again. "Draining him of his blood most likely," I answered.

My words were harsh, sure. But, the truth is never easy to hear, and I know that. I am sure Frypan knows that too. I just hope that he likes me telling the truth as I did not sugarcoat it since I have a feeling he truly wanted to know what his friend is going through.

"Can I ask you one more thing?" Once again, I gesture for him to continue, this time with more patience. "You said that Janson offered you a job to work with W.C.K.D, right?... Why? I mean, why would he ask and why would they want you to work with them after throwing you into the maze and almost killing you on multiple occasions?"

His question caught me off guard, to say the least. My gaze immediately moved back to the window. "I guess Ava had a change of heart," I shrugged. "Or it was some mastermind plan of theirs. Another trick," I shrug again.

It was silent once more. And, this time Frypan accepted the silence.

A flicker of light flashed in the corner of Frypan's eyes, he turned to look out the window of the driver's door to see a table light turned on, illuminating Newt's and Thomas' faces.

"He's here," he notifies me, but when he looks over his shoulder to the me, I am already hovering over the console of the car, looking out of the window. He held in his chuckle, turning back around to face the window.

The two of us can faintly hear the conversation that is currently being shared between the two boys outside of the car.

"Where do you think you are going then?" Newt asked. No expression other than seriousness was painted across his face, which was not out of the norm.

"Newt," Thomas sighed.

"Don't be a twat about it," Newt began, walking towards Thomas and grabbing his backpack out of the other boy's hands. "I'm already in. Come on." Newt turned around, heading back to the truck. Thomas does not budge though, he still stands in his place. Unmoving.

"No, no. Not this time." Thomas moves forward just as Newt tosses his bag into the back seat of the truck. Newt turns around, giving Thomas another serious look. He will not let Thomas convince him to not go with him to save Minho. And, even if there is the slightest possibility he does, I know that Newt knows that Thomas will not be able to convince me to stay. "Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt turns and opens up the driver's seat. Frypan leans forward with a small smile gracing his lips as I leans over Fry's shoulder, saluting Thomas with a grin spreading across my still bruised face.

Thomas scoffs.

"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too," Newt states, leaning against the truck beside the opened driver seat door.

"If we don't go, you don't go. If you go, we go. You can't get rid of us, Thomas," I smile at the boy. "We're like a bad zit. Wait, zits go away eventually," I look to the ground, deep in thought. "Unless you pick the zit and get a scar, then it will be there forever-"

"What Finley is trying to say is that you can't get rid of us and we're coming with you to save Minho," Fry interrupts.

"Yeah, what Fry said," I nod.

"Okay." Thomas nods. "Let's go get him back."

Newt and Thomas climb into the back seat before Frypan starts the engine. The car moves slowly out of the parking and away from the building that the Right Arm has camped at for the last few months.

"Road trip, baby!" I cheer, the three boys chuckling in response as we drive away from our only chance of freedom and towards the Lion's den.

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