Needle Pricks

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"Ow! Ow!" I jolt away, "I can't do this!" I stand up abruptly.

"Finley, I didn't even touch you," Teresa tells me, the scalpel not even in her hand.

Just the sight of the scalpel or a needle puts me into panic mode, let alone going near Teresa as she holds it. Too many memories, too many awful memories. Memories that I do not want to remember. I rub the back of her neck, partially out of embarrassment and partially because I am trying to feel if there was a cut or any drawn blood. When I do not find a cut or any blood, I feel even more stupid.

"Oh... I knew that..."

"Fin, it doesn't hurt that bad I promise," Frypan tries to console me. But, I am inconsolable with the amount of stupidity I feel right now. Frypan had gone second, after Newt, then it was Gally and Thomas. Now, it is my turn. My palms are sweaty, I feel slightly dizzy, and my heart beats a mile a minute.

"I can't, Fry," I shake my head. My vision blurs, and I close my eyes with the hope that will ease the sense of dizziness. As I do so, a past memory flashes behind my closed eyes...

"I'm sorry, Finley. It's just procedure." Teresa's blue eyes glimmer with unshed tears.

I try to sit up, but a guard pushes me back to sit on the lab table. "Please just let me go. Please," I beg.

"We cannot do that I am afraid." The soft voice of Doctor Ava Paige rings through my ears. My head whips in the direction to see her enter the lab. "Finley, please do not make this any more harder than it already is for me and Teresa. It is just to take a blood sample. That is all. It will not hurt." She takes a seat on a spare chair beside the table that I am sitting on. Her hand reached out to hold mine. I shiver at the odd feeling of her cold, wrinkled hand.

"I don't want to be a part of your experiment! I am your daughter!" I shout. "Not another one of your freaking lab rats!!" I try to stand once more, Doctor Paige jumps back- afraid, scared, terrified of me. Of what I could possibly do. A guard steps forward with his gun in hand to ensure I do not hurt either of the doctors.

"Finley! Please," Doctor Paige's voice turns stern. "Just listen!"

"NO! YOU LISTEN! I AM NOT A CURE FOR YOU TO USE! I AM A PERSON! I AM A CHILD! YOUR CHILD, FOR GOD'S SAKE!! JUST LIKE BEN AND THEO WERE! WE ARE YOUR CHILDREN! YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE PROTECTING US, NOT THE ONE WE NEED PROTECTING FROM!!" Something takes over me- grief- and I find myself about to jump at her. To beat the living shit out of her like she deserves, but I am held back. I scream and shout curse words at her and Teresa as the guards hold me back, and drag me back to the lab table before they lay me down rather than have me sit down like previously.

"Restrain her," an order is voiced.

"W-what?" Teresa stutters.

"I said restrain her!" Doctor Paige shouts a little louder.

Another nurse moves forward from the sidelines, restraints in hands. She, Teresa, and a third nurse work to restrain my every limb to the table, to hold me in place to drain me of the blood for W.C.K.D to have as their own. I am not dumb, I know why they want a 'blood sample'.


"Sedate her!" Another order.

Teresa grabs a needle, a different one from the one she was holding a minute ago and reaches forward to inject it at the side of my neck. The guards and nurses were all trying to hold me down, to make me still for Teresa to inject the needle into the veins of my neck.

Within seconds, everything becomes blurred, my mind goes numb, and my whole body goes numb. I can only make out a figure in front of me. Reaching forward once more, and a feeling of the skin of my arm being pricked is faint, but I feel it nonetheless.

"It's okay, Finley."

They are taking my blood. And, I cannot do anything about it. They will inevitably drain me, taking my life to save their own asses. And, there is nothing I can do about it.

"Everything will be okay Finley...Finley..."




"Finley?" A comforting hand places itself on the lower part of my back. I flinch instinctively and look up to see Gally. He eases back when noticing the way I flinch.

"I'm sorry," I apologize in a low voice. "I'm sorry," I repeat.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologize," Gally shook his head, placing a small smile on his plump lips. "It's okay, but we need to get that chip out." I feel my lip tremble and no matter how much I try to stop it, it will not. And, in an attempt to stop it, I bite my bottom lip. "If you don't, then you can't come to the Last City to save Minho," he says in a low voice. "You want to save Minho, don't you?" 

Gally's words set a memory aflame...

"You want to save Theo, don't you?" 

And, just like the latter question, my answer is yes. It will always be yes. I will always protect my friends, I will always protect my brother, and I will always protect the people I love. 

I let out a shaky breath and slowly nod. Gally carefully takes my hand in his and leads me back to the chair I had been sitting in moments ago. I hesitantly take a seat and as I do, Gally lets go of my hand. I feel instant panic, and want to not go through this. I watch with scared eyes as Gally drags an empty chair from nearby to be beside me. He takes his seat and intertwines his fingers between mine. 

"You ready?" Teresa asks in a calming voice while she pushes my hair away from the back of my neck. 

I let out another breath, "Y-yeah. I'm ready," I say as confidently as possible. 


Next chapter is where the good stuff happens! I'm super excited and cannot wait for you all to read the upcoming parts. 

I am still trying to decide how to write the ending though. I am super indecisive, but I will figure it out soon. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this update! 

Much love, 

- Alex <3

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