Battle of the Idiots

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The scent of sterile stings my nose while I watch helplessly, strapped down my leather restraints. Janson jumps forward, grabbing onto Teresa and throwing her across the metal table that stands beside me. "NO!" Thomas shouts, trying to loosen the restraint on his left wrist as quickly as he can while I still try to fight with getting out of just one. I focus on the restraint on my right wrist, yanking and tugging, maneuvering my fingers in a way that I hope will reach the silver buckle. I briefly glance at the scene unfolding beside me, Teresa attempting to crawl away from Janson, only for him to drag her across the glass-sparkling, tiled flooring. 

"Give it to me!" Janson yells simultaneous to Thomas' battle cry, fighting the restraints with one hand. Lucky bastard, I do not even have one hand free. 

Janson has a tight grip on Teresa, a firm hold on the crown of her hair, but I zone it out. If I am to help Teresa, I need to focus on undoing the buckle that is keeping the leather material firmly wrapped around my skin. 

I am close– so close– but not quick enough as Janson gets the upper hand and slams Teresa's body forward, her head hitting off the metal table, falling unconscious in a heap on the glass-sparkling, tiled flooring. "TERESA!" Thomas cries out in a frantic voice when he finally manages to untie himself, rushing forward to my aid. The hero, the knight in shining armour coming to mine, the damsel in distresses rescue– Yeah, no, in my fucking dreams. 

Instead, of my high hopes for Thomas to come and undo my restraints, he charges toward Janson, knocking the two of them through the glass-panelled walls surrounding the lab they were in. 

Talk about open concept. 

The two stand to their feet shakily, like a baby deer standing for the first time, but they look nothing like the cute creature, rather they look pathetic. This must be some kind of battle of the idiots– Pardon my sudden rudeness, I just feel incredibly angered and agitated by still being LOCKED UP!!  The two men begin to fight like fucking children, and it is hard to tell who is winning until Janson grabs a hold of the collar of Thomas' shirt, pulling tightly as the fabric begins to dig through his softened flesh. 

"Oh, for crying out loud," I huff. Readjusting my wrist in the leather straps, I quickly and abruptly jolt my arms in an upward motion, and within a couple of attempts, the leather snaps. "Now, that was easier than I was expecting." I rub the skin of my wrists before sitting up, leaning forward to the straps around my ankles and quickly undoing the metallic buckle. I jump off the red leather table, sprinting forward and swiftly kicking Janson in the back of the knee.

His grip loosens completely from his hold of Thomas and buckles to the ground, Thomas lays limp. Craning his neck to see, his eyes fold into slits when seeing me. I smirk down at him, giving a small little wave of my hand before moving after him. Janson stands to his feet, left arm raised high, striking down but I dodge. 

"What do you call that?" I chuckle, feeling a menacing humour course through my veins– God, I am having too much fun. With my luck, it will be short-lived– I swing a punch to his jaw, landing a solid blow. He hits back at the pressure point of my temple– I stand corrected. However, his one punch was a pity punch that some first grader would throw on the playground because some kid took his toy, it was in no comparison to mine. 

And, surely enough, one my blow to his cheek, he staggers backward. His back hits the wall behind him, and he is barely able to hold himself up. He pushes himself up with a quick shake of his head and lunges forward. Taking me off guard, we skid across the floor, him on top as he lands a punch to my jaw. One to the side of my eye, one to my left cheekbone, and another to the other. I splutter as I feel bile come up the back of my throat. 

"You're too cocky for your own good," he heaves before landing one more to the side of my head. Everything goes black momentarily and when my vision clears, Janson is now standing over me, gun pointed directly to my head. "Okay... that's enough," he breathes out, trying to catch his breath. 

Behind him, I see Teresa stagger out, her eyes finding Thomas who slowly and groggily pushes himself up. Then her gaze falls onto mine, brown eyes wide when she sees the gun in Janson's shaky hands. A flash of red light catches our attention, all of our gaze, except Janson as he is turned away from the appearing light, turns to the window. Before I can even grasp what it is, it makes contact with the building. The ground shakes beneath me and Janson tumbles forward. Glass shatters from the windows, disarraying across my body. 

The entire building shakes, its integrity being put up for debate, as another couple of explosions collide against the front of the building. Thomas stops and gives me a hand, pulling me to my feet as he and Teresa begin to run forward, down the hall. 

I glance over my shoulder only to see Janson standing on his feet amongst the broken glass and fallen light frames. His left-hand raises towards where we stood, finger on the trigger. "THOMAS!" I call, pulling on his arm and moving to grab Teresa as well while the shots from Janson's guns erupt, shooting in every which direction with the hopes of landing one of the many bullets in one of us. I shove the two of them in front of me, leading us into one of the many labs in the building. 

The door slides open, a puff of air as we enter the room. I remember this room, it was one of the many that my mother showed to me while on the tour when she tried to convince me to join her at W.C.K.D headquarters. I look to my left to see a couple of cranks behind closed glass areas. A chill runs down my spine at the sight. 

Is this what Theo looks like by now?

"We need to get out of here," Teresa's voice cuts me out of my thoughts. I turn to face her, only to find her eyes wide, jaw slightly agape as she stares at Thomas. 

"What's wrong-" I stop myself from asking any further when my eyes land on Thomas as he slowly turns to face us, his hand on his lower abdomen, blood slowly oozing through the thin cotton fabric of his long-sleeved shirt. 

"Thomas?" Teresa's voice shakes. The two of us watch unsurely and helplessly as he stumbles to the side slightly, resting one hand on the lab table beside him to keep him standing upright. "Thomas!" Teresa exclaims as the building shakes beneath our feet once more, causing Thomas to lose balance and fall between the lab tables. Teresa eases him to the ground, leaning him against a cabinet as I run around the aisle to meet them, kneeling beside Thomas. 

He raises his shirt to put the bullet wound in his stomach on display. 

"Oh, shit," Thomas and I breathed out in unison. His eyes shut, unable to look at the sight of the blood as mine only widen in complete and utter horror. 

"Okay. Okay, we need to... Find something," Teresa rushes, grabbing a cloth from one of the drawers behind her to place on the wound. The wound makes the dreadful gurgle as more blood appears. "Just put pressure on it. Hold it." I watch helpless and unsure what to do, even though Mary had taught her enough First Aid that I could definitely help, it is just that I am... frozen. Frozen into place from fear of all the possibilities. 

"You gotta go..." Thomas stutters. "You guys gotta go," he nods, looking between the two of us in front of him, his eyes creasing in pain when they meet mine. 

"No," I shake my head defiantly. 

"Not without you," Teresa agrees with a firm nod of her head. The two look at one another with a deepness that makes me feel as though I am intruding, however, all of our attention is quickly moved to the door that we had just entered as the loud puff of air blows out into the room upon someone's entrance. My eyes just make out Janson's figure as he stands amidst the steamy air, gun held high as if he is in one of those old cop shows I faintly remember watching with someone when I was younger.

"Shit, he's back."

A/N - 

 AY!! Look who updated on Wednesday!! 

Shit is about to get real, who's ready?? 'Cause I am ✋

Anyway, hoped you all enjoyed!

Much love, 

- Alex <3

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