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When I slipped out from under the covers of Justin's bed, I grabbed one of his hoodie's and put it on over my tank top. I quickly tied my hair in a messy bun and walked out of the room.
"Hi." I beamed when I seen Pattie.

Well, I'm assuming the woman was Pattie, she turned to be and smiled wide.

"Kyah, sweetheart, hi. God, you're gorgeous." She said and pulled me into a hug.

I laughed and touched my hair. "You're so nice but I've a bed head." I chuckled.

"I'll say." A boy's voice said.

I glanced to my right and seen who I'm assuming was Justin younger brother checking me out. Yes, he was actually checking me out while licking his lips - something Justin does all the freaking time. Justin randomly grabbed Jaxon's arm and pulled him out of the room and down towards the bedroom.

"Bro, I'm kidding. I wasn't even looking." Jaxon protested and Pattie laughed while shaking her head.

"I'll make sure he doesn't kill him." A man said from behind Pattie. "I'm Jeremy, hun." He gave me a quick hug. "Kyah, nice to meet you." I said and smiled.

I tired not to stare as he walked down to Justin room. Justin's dad is freaking hot, seriously he is like an older version of Justin with the tattoo's and muscles.

Lord, if I died now I would died happy, very freaking happy.

I composed myself then turned to the girl who could only be Jazzy. "Hey, Jazzy." I smiled and leaned in giving her a hug.

"Hey, back." She grinned then fiddled with her phone making Pattie frown.

"Jazmyn, don't be rude." She tisked and placed her hands on her hips.

Jazzy rolled her eyes. "Mom, we're like close in age so she doesn't care if I randomly text on my phone, we're young ladies, it's what we do." She shrugged.

I laughed then covered my mouth not wanting to go against Pattie. "Are you saying I'm old?" She asked her hand on her hip.

Very mom like.

"Um, no?" She said making it sound like a question.

"I was not checking out your girl." A voice shouted from the bedroom. "Hey, back off Justin. Touch me and I will fuck you up!"

"Language." Jeremy's voice boom but then chuckled.

"I bet Justin has him pinned." Jazzy laughed.

I quickly walked down to the bedroom and opened the door, like Jazzy said Justin had Jaxon pinned on the ground while he and his dad messed around with him while laughing.

"Justin." I said horrified.

I quickly shoved him off Jaxon and helped him to his feet. "Leave him alone." I said with narrowed eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jaxon.

He shook his head. "He hurt my arm." He frowned and winced.

I frowned. "C'mon lets leave these two bullies alone." I said and put my arm around Jaxon.

"Um, he hurt my leg to so it hurts to walk a little. "Jaxon added.

"God, Justin you can't be so rough with him." I glared. "Put your arm around me." I said to Jaxon who wrapped his arm around my waist.

I was expecting his arm to go over my shoulder but whatever.

Justin and his dad rolled his eyes at Jaxon for some reason but I shrugged it off.

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