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"Where are you headed to Miss?" The cab driver asked me politely.

I smiled widely. "Um, Jed's?" I murmured a tad bit unsure if a cab driver would know about a private under ground brawl club.

He apparently did because he nodded and took of driving.

"I've dropped a couple of people off there tonight," He paused to yawn. "Some big tournament going down one of the guys mentioned." The cab driver said as we drove.

I nodded. "Yeah, its something like that."

"You don't seem like the type of girl who would be into brawling." He randomly said.

I chuckled. "I'm not but my brother and boyfriend are fighting in the tournament, so it's more for support that I'm going," I explained.

"Oh, right," The cab driver nodded. "That's understandable."

We arrived to the club parking lot ten minutes later and there was actually a queue outside Jed's. I could see the bouncers going to through as quick as they could before it drew attention. I paid the cab driver, grabbed my crutches and got out of the cab.

"No more entries ladies and gents, we're at full capacity," Roman - the main bouncer - announced to all the people who where outside.

Justin told me his name awhile back and thankfully I never forgot it.

The people outside all argued but most of them muttered about going to a different club and ventured off. "Hey," I smiled when I got to the door.

I was a little breathless from hopping from the cab to the main door but I did my best to breath lightly.

"You can't come in on crutches and dressed so casually miss," A young bouncer said to me and looked me up and down. "Beside we're at full capacity."

He didn't know me. I'm guessing he was knew.

"Kyah?" Roman said when he seen me.

I smiled. "Hi," I paused. "I know it's dangerous because I'm on crutches Roman but I have to be in there to watch Justin and Harley fight," I said and chewed on my lip hoping he would take pity on me.

He rubbed his temples while the younger bouncer raised his brow. "Edwards and Bieber you mean?" He asked me and I nodded. "Harley is my brother and Justin is my boyfriend." I said then turned back to Roman.

"I just want to hang back and watch the fights that's it. I'm not here to dance," I gestured to my leg and clothes. "Clearly."

Roman snorted. "That had better be all. I'm not dealing with your brothers or Justin if you get hurt," He said and I nodded frantically.

He gestured me in and I smiled. "Thanks Roman," I said and I hopped past him.

The only upside of being practically broken is the pity people give you and the things they do for you. It's a lazy person heaven.

As I hopped into the entrance way I heard the people who weren't allowed inside the club argue with Roman and the younger bouncer but I ignored the shouting and continued hopping inside.

Stage two of my mission - Get into Jed's undetected (Complete)


Stage three of my mission - Hang back and watch the fights undetected (In progress)

I came to the door that led to the underground club and I sighed. My damn screwed up leg was already making things hard for me. I opened the door and dropped my crutches to the ground below. I turned myself around and slowly very slowly made my way down the ladder on one leg. If this ladder was a person, I'm sure as hell I would have being choking them to death that is how strong my hands gripped onto the steel.

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