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*Later That Night*

"I'm a thirty seven year old woman, I can't be dressing like I'm twenty girls." Pattie pointed out as we looked through her suit case for something she can wear to Jed's with us.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Pattie, you have the body of a twenty year old and honestly jeans and a tee are fine for Jed's. That's what we wear most of the time." I shrugged.

She leaned back against the wall in the guest bedroom and just observed us silently.

"These are perfect." I said pulling out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a half length black sleeve tee that she could tuck into her jeans. "You can borrow and pair of my black heels, they will look great." I beamed.

She smiled at me, nodded then went to take a shower since myself, Rayne and Jazzy took one at some point through-out the day.

"You know, your madre is pretty hot for an older chica." Rayne said to Jazzy as we strolled back into her room and hopped onto her bed.

Jazzy made a funny face. "Dude no, just, no." She shivered and made a disgusted face.

I laughed. "C'mon Jazzy, she has a great body and has been through pregnancy three times. She has like awesome skin and really long, thick hair. She's hot alright." I agreed with Rayne.

"Are you two secretly lesbian and wanting to hook up with my mom?" Jazzy asked in a serious tone that made myself and Rayne crack up laughing.

"No," I chuckled, "you don't have to be gay to say whether you think another female is pretty or not."

She shrugged. "Okay, I suppose that is true but she's still yke mom so no more 'your mom is hot' remarks. I get enough of the 'your mom is a milf' remarks off stupid boys back home." She said and we laughed again but said agreed not to say it anymore to keep her happy.

"Okay, no more about your mom but dude your dad is smoking hot." I said and she groaned loudly while Rayne bumped fists with me.

"Why do people think my mom and dad are hot? Seriously, it's so freaking gross." Jazzy shuddered and I laughed.

"Okay, I won't comment further cause I hate when people think my brothers are hot it makes my skin crawl." I shuddered myself and she smirked.

"You know Harley is very-" "Don't finish that sentence." I cringed and this time Jazzy and Rayne fist bumped and laughed.

"Okay okay, time to decide on what we are wearing out tonight." I grinned.

Jazzy huffed and dropped her shoulders. "I have no clothes that would be worthy of wearing to Jed's because, well, you heard my brothers and my dad, I'm not allowed wearing revealing clothes." She pouted.

I frowned. "That annoys me when my brothers and dad say that crap because it's not like you are going to freely show of your boobs or your downstairs."

"Tell me about it. I would just like to wear something that makes me feel a little sexy, I don't want to dress like a slut but a bit of skin never hurt anyone." She muttered.

I stood up and took her hand. "We are raiding my wardrobe for you."

Jazzy squealed and practically pulled me to my room as I laughed.

"Okay, first things first. Do you want to wear a dress or jeans and a tee?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

She chewed on her lip debating her head what she wanted to wear and she nodded to herself. "Jeans and a tee... maybe a crop top?" She asked still biting her lip.

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