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"I miss Tibbles a lot." I frowned as I changed out of my clothes I wore to Jed's and got into my bed.

Tibbles was in Justin's apartment until he toilet trained him for me.

"You want Tibbles here more than me?" Justin frowned as he got into my bed beside me. "Yup." I answered with a smile.

"I think I change your mind." He smirked and got on top of me.

I pressed my hands on his chest and laughed while shaking my head. "We already did it in the car park of Jed's, I'm beat." I yawned for good measure.

"I remember baby, you went from sjy kitten to hell cat in less than five seconds," He grinned, "But you don't have to do anything right now." He said then leaned down and whispered very, very dirty things in my ear about what he wanted to do to me.

I groaned. "I change my mind." I purred and kissed him hard.

He smiled into the kissed and pushed my legs apart.

"Round two, Kitten." He smirked.


"Yes, it is fine to take the morning after pill with your meds but don't make a habit." Doctor Chance said after I explained my situation about what happened last night to him.

"If you want to go on birth control though that is very risky Kyah, I'd have to double your current dosage and-" "I don't want to go on birth control. I talked with Justin this morning and he is going to going on the male birth control implant so I don't have to." I cut Doctor Chance off and he nodded.

"That's very wise." He smiled. "You are way too still young to even consider children but have you read up on pregnancy among bipolar females?" He asked, curiously.

I nodded. "I read some information about it online but Doctor Lee practically gave me 'knocked up bipolar chicks hazards 101' on Tuesday." I shrugged and he laughed as he tapped on his iPad screen.

"Well, that's good the more information you have the better for future situations." He smiled. "So how have your meds be treating you? Any side affects? Mood swings?" He questioned.

He moved around and went to his medication cabinet and got a selection of pills. They where morning a pill, I read one of the labels before he gave me a pill that I swallow with some water.

"Very well, no and no. I'm just a ray of sunshine doc." I answered his questions and he chuckled once again.

"Yes I can see that, your mood stabilizer has giving you your sense of humour back." He grinned.

"With my sense of humour I can't decided whether that's a good thing or a bad thing." I smiled and he laughed. "It's a good thing, a very good thing." he assured me.

"I'm very happy with your progress so far, you have retaken to your medication wonderfully." He said blissfully. "Are things at the university going well?" He asked while checking my blood pressure.

"Yep, I'm caught up in my classes and I'm actually enjoying it. I'm surprisingly relaxed while others are freaking out about papers they have to write." I chuckled.

"That's great, as long as you keep up your studying you won't feel that pressure therefore you mood as of now will continue." Doctor Chance said as he wrote down my vitals and tapped on his iPad.

"I'm happy Miss Kyah, Very happy." He smiled.

"If your happy doc then so am I." I beamed as he lifted his hand and I gave him a high five.

Okay, he officially the hottest/coolest doctor I know.

"See you in a month, Kiddo." he grinned.

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