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Warning: This chapter contains graphic sexual content.


I sighed and walked after Justin, I followed him into the cafeteria. He was sitting at our usual table and looked pissed. He was turned out from the table and was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together, he was tensed up, I could see his muscles bluge from his vest top.

When I walked up to the table he didn't even look at me. I wanted his attention so we could talk so I moved his arm off his knees so I could sit on his lap.

When I put his arm around my waist and I read rested my forehead against his temple he sighed and hugged me into him. "Sorry." He mumbled and I smiled.

"You're forgiven." I said and leaned down kissing him.

"Okay, what was that about? You walked in here like you where going to murder someone." Baila said to Justin.

He shrugged and leaned forward pushing her hair out of her eyes. She smiled at him, them two are like best bloody friends now its crazy cute.

Apparently they click, it's funny hearing them talk about Hockey and what not but I'm happy because it means I don't have to listen to him talk about it.

"Oh my god, that was so cute." Rayne and I said in unison.

"What?" Justin said to Rayne.

"Her hair was in her eyes." He shrugged little is wasn't a big deal.

"Exactly and you brushed it out of the way for her." I cooed.

"Whatever." Justin and the guys laughed.

"Leave him alone." Baila with ehr eyes narrowed.

"Okay, okay." I raised my hands in defence while chuckling.

Baila smiled then got up and went to the lunch line so she could get food for herself.

"Where is Harry?" Rayne asked me moments later. "Off with Toby." I said and she nodded.

She then looked at my shirt then at Justin's body and raise a brow. "Why are you wearing his shirt?" She asked me.

I stood up and lifted my top so she could see my shirt underneath was stained and see through. "Hey now, I don't want to see that." Dante said and threw one of his fries at me.

I laughed catching the fry and sat back on Justin.

"How did you get the stain on your shirt?" Harley randomly asked while biting into his sandwich.

I shrugged. "Bumped into a girl and she spilled her drink on me. I actually met her in Jed's last night, she's really nice." I said and he nodded.

"Thomas Doberman... I will KILL you." Baila's voice filled the cafeteria. "Jackson". She yelled over to us.

Jackson was instantly on his feet as was Harley scanning the room for her. They where like guard dogs with their ears perked and on their feet at the first signs of danger.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident." Thomas - a junior - exclaimed to Baila.

"You don't fall on someone then kiss them by accident." She hissed in a lower voice but we could still hear her.

As soon as she mentioned he kissed her Jackson was on the move and everyone's eyes followed him. I jumped up from Justin's lap but he grabbed me back to him. "Nuh-uh, he kissed his girl. I would react the same way." He kissed my cheek.

"Jackson, don't fight him, please." I yelled not wanting a fight to break out.

Jackson grabbed Thomas by the collar when he reached him and pressed him up against the wall making a thud noise. I winced because that had to hurt the back of Thomas's head.

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