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When I opened my eyes, light attacked me causing me to squeeze them shut again.

I groaned.

I used my hands to push myself up into a sitting position. After about twenty seconds of confusion, I realised I was in the bathroom of my apartment.

I passed out on the floor?

Jesus, I can't remember anything after the tenth shot I took. "Ugh." I groaned at the thoughts of the shots.

"I'm never drinking again." I mumbled then heard a chuckle.

I opened my eyes wide and seen Justin rubbing his eyes. He to was on the floor with his back against the wall.

"What happened? Why are we in here?" I asked taking deep breath to try and relax my stomach.

He yawned. "Awhile after your last shot you could barely stand. I was looking after you in here when you started puking violently into the toilet." He shrugged.

I gaped at him. "You seen me puke?" I asked and he nodded.

"I bet that was attractive." I said shaking me head.

"Well, if it helps even with our head in a toilet you still looked beautiful." he smiled.

I blushed and tired to hide my face, he seen it and chuckled but didn't say anything. "I doubt that very much but thank you." I said and dragged myself to my feet, Justin followed my lead.

I turned and brushed my teeth for five minutes straight until my mouth was minty fresh.

Justin used a new tooth brush and did the same until his mouth was fresh as well. "Omigod." I gasped when I looked in the mirror.

My mascara was ran down my face, lipstick up my cheek, eye-shadow smudge everywhere. "I look disgusting." I whined grabbing a wet wipe and taken all the heaviness off my face.

I then ran the taps and scrubbed my face clean. "Ugh, I'm just going to get a shower." I whined.

Justin smiled. "Go ahead, I just want to wash my face. I won't look don't worry." He mumbled and turned around and began washing his face.

I didn't argue instead I striped down until I was in my underwear then when I was in the shower I took them of. It was only then I realised I need to take my tampon out. "Um Justin I need the toilet first... sorry." I mumbled.

"No problem." He said then left the room.

He was being weird, I decided to ask him what was wrong when I was out of the shower. I quickly took out the dirty tampon and wiped myself then flushed the toilet. I then got into the shower and I literally only spent less then five minutes in it mainly because I felt so sick with cramps and the fact I was hung-over wasn't helping either.

When I got out I grabbed a towel from the counter dried myself and grabbed a tampon from the box on the sink and put it in, instantly feeling cleaner. I wrapped the towel around myself, picked up my dirty clothes and put them in the wash basket.

I strolled out of the bathroom and went into my room. Thankfully nobody was in my bed, I was about he shake my hair out when I felt someone behind me. When I turned around Justin was standing so close I got a fright and jumped back.

The worst thing happened, my towel fell off my body and to the ground leaving me butt ass naked.

I gasped but when I tried to cover myself Justin grabbed my wrists with his hands.

"Are you embarrassed?" He asked me.

I gaped at him, thankfully his eyes never left mine.

"Yes, I am, I'm naked and your standing right there." I exclaimed.

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