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I frowned at my thoughts and took a shower changing into Harley's top I brought with me and some shorts that the shirt swallowed. I brushed out my hair and dried it then tied it up in a high pony tail. She grabbed my fuzzy slippers and lazily left the room and went into the living room where the guys where watching a scary movie.

"My God." I squealed when a guy on the TV was being murdered in the film. "That's not right, not bloody right at all. I'm going to bed." I shouted then turned on my heel.

I heard laughing behind me. "Scared Kitten?" Justin called out.

"You have problems watching that, you to Harley." I shouted back as I closed the bedroom door, I could still hear them laughing me so I rolled my eyes and stretched.

It was almost eleven so I climbed into bed on the right side and lay on my stomach put my hands under the pillow and snuggled into it. I left a lamp on and was to lazy to get up and turn it off so I figured was let Justin do that when he came into the room.

Slowly I fell into a deep sleep only to jolt awake at what seemed like minutes later.

"Sorry Kitten, didn't mean to wake you." Justin whispered.

He was getting into the bed and the bed sinking woke me up. "Its okay." I said in my sleep voice and fell back onto my pillow.

I turned on my side but whatever ever way I lay down I pulled at my own hair and I groaned. I sat up and undid my hair. I grabbed fist fulls and tied it in a bun on top of my head again and fell back onto my pillow with a sigh.

I felt Justin shift beside me and I jumped. "Why so jumpy, Kitten?" he whispered.

I shrugged with my eyes and my back to him. "I've never slept in the same bed as some one before, it's weird." I yawned.

I could fell Justin's smile even though I wasn't looking at him. "Well, I will make it a pleasant experience as I possibly can, goodnight Kitten." He whispered then turned on his own side.

I murmured a good night then fell back asleep.

When I was next woken up it was be a loud pitched noise like a siren.

Justin's alarm, I inwarldy grunted.

I groaned. "Justin." I said but he didn't move. "Justin, your alarm." I said again and he still didn't budge.

I let out a loud groan of frustration then got on my knees and reach over Justin's body to knock off the alarm. I couldn't reach it though so I had to cock my leg over him and because he was on his back I was straddling him, I could felt him pressed up against me even threw the covers. I quickly hit the alarm clock with bang then fell back onto my side.

I heard Justin chuckle and I sat back up. "You where awake?" I hissed.

"I said I would behave and I did, you where the one who straddled me, not that I didn't like it." He smirked at me.

"Jerk, I was turning off your alarm. Which by the way is the most awful sound I've ever heard! It's very high pitched." I said as I stretched.

I pulled back the covers a felt the cold hit my skin making me whine. I seen a little red mark on my thigh and I shook my head.

"You battered me in my sleep." I said and pointed to my thigh.

Justin smiled. "You spoon when you sleep. I was startled and bumped my leg against yours." he explained.

"I did not spoon you, you lie." I stated and he laughed.

"You do, you woke me when you draped you leg over mine. I'm not complaining but when you tensed in your sleep your thigh had a death hold of my legs and my cock." He joked.

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