The trial

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"Let us look at the trial, shall we?"

"Oh, finally something interesting," Ryueen took a glance at the attending parties.

"Why did they have to show this?" Horikita thought.

"Sorry we're late," our sensei said.

"It's before the scheduled start time. There's no need for apologies."

"Have you already met?"

Sudou, Horikita, and I did not know the teacher.

"This is Sakagami-sensei, the homeroom teacher for Class C. Now then."

One lone male student seated in the back of the room attracted everyone's attention.

"This is the student council president."

"I've always found it interesting that the student council oversees these and not a teacher," Kanzaki pointed out.

"The reason for that is because the student council president is forced to be non-bias. The teacher wants obviously wants the best for their class, so they may not be fully impartial," Manabu explained.

It made sense. Three of the four homeroom teachers in our year are heavily biased towards their students. Out of the four teachers, Mashima would be the only one who wouldn't be partial towards his class. Besides, the student council president is always in charge and he's tasked with not having any bias whatsoever.

Horikita's older brother, without so much as even a glance at his sister, pored over the documents on his desk. Horikita directed her gaze at her brother for a short time, but when she realized that she wasn't his focus, she lowered her eyes and sat down in front of the Class C students.

"Well then, I would now like to discuss the violent incident that occurred last Tuesday with the members of the student council, the involved parties, and their homeroom teachers. You may begin the proceedings, student council secretary Tachibana."

Secretary Tachibana, a woman with short hair, gave a slight bow.

"Of course, considering the magnitude of this dispute, there are times when the student council president will take over. There are several unusual things about this incident. Other than that, the bulk of the proceedings will be handled solely by Tachibana, as usual."

"Because I am quite busy, there are certain agenda topics upon which I will defer. As a general rule, though, I would prefer to attend to these issues, as I'm entrusted to lead this student council."

"So, this is all by chance?" Chabashira-sensei smiled as she said that, but Horikita's older brother never wavered. On the contrary though, Horikita-Horikita the younger sister, I mean-couldn't hide her trembling. Considering they were brother and sister, the odds were not in our favour. In fact, I couldn't help but think that this situation was extremely disadvantageous, as Horikita couldn't demonstrate her usual prowess here. Our expectations had been thoroughly shattered.

"While I'm not surprised at the turn of events, aren't you at least a little bit sad at seeing your sister in that state?" Nagumo provoked.

Manabu didn't answer him. I believe it's because Nagumo just wanted to get a reaction from him and attack him. It's the wise choice not to give a reaction in that case.

If the student council president acted, there'd be nothing we could do, even if we didn't like it. He'd enrolled in Class A and immediately taken office as secretary for the student council. In December of his first year, he became the student council president after receiving an overwhelming amount of support in the election. Although some senior students had naturally voiced their displeasure, our current, hopeless situation spoke to his incredible abilities.

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