Spreading the Seed of Deceit

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"I suppose it's time to call it in," I muttered to myself as I picked up the phone and pressed the contact name.

Soon enough, the line connected.

"Sup, Ayanokouji. You really gotta call when I'm less tired," Sudo stated and then proceeded to let out an audible yawn.

"A while ago, there was a mention of a favour. Do you remember it? The one involving that operation during the summer break," I told him.

To my surprise, I could hear a sigh from his side.

"Shit. I thought you forgot, I was really hoping for it. C'mon man, why do you have to have such a good memory?" Sudo sighed.

It seems he remembers.

"So I take it you understand why I'm calling you?"

"Yeah. What's this favour you have for me?" Sudo remarked somewhat sheepishly.

I suppose he was nervous. It's clear to see why, it's been months and I'm only now calling it in. The other two guys had their favours used a while ago, but Sudo's role is much more delicate than the others. He needed to be saved for a good opportunity.

"Alright then. Here's the task I need you to do," I began.

I went on about the specifics and the time for his actions. Where he would go, who it would affect, how he should go about it, and things such as that.

Although there were some issues.

"Woah, woah, woah. Ayanokouji, don't you think that's just creepy as hell? Besides, I don't think I'm the right guy for the job," Sudo complained.

I'm not surprised he said this.

"You are. You're the one because there is no other option. The other two have had their skills used already, but there is something that makes you the right person for this task," I began.

"No shit you know," Sudo stated, as he became silent and waited for my explanation.

"It's because you're much more calm under pressure than the other two. If I were to ask anyone else, perhaps they would be more careful and calm, but that would mess up some external things as well. If it was the you a year ago, I would have never asked you, but this isn't the you from a year ago. That's why you were the one chosen," I told him.

There were some things I left out, but that wasn't necessary for him to know. Either way, this explanation only serves as a way for Sudo to consolidate his feelings on this task, he's going to do it no matter what.

"Uh... That's real nice of you to say, Ayanokouji. Alright, I'll do it, but I still think it's a little creepy," Sudo awkwardly chuckled.

"Thank you, Sudo," I told him and after some light small talk, the call ended.

Soon, I found myself in the theatre just like any other time.

"For a rare opportunity, this will be in the third person viewpoint. Perhaps you'll get some more insights or maybe you'll not. Enjoy."

Now that's interesting, I can't guess what scene this will take place in.

Early February, after the training camp ended and the return to the Advanced Nurturing High School. Sakayanagi Arisu from Class A of the 1st years was in the student council room.

Placing her favourite hat on the desk, she faced the student council president Nagumo Miyabi from Class A of the 2nd years.

"I thought your brain was attached to it. I don't think there's ever been a moment I've seen you without it," Ryuuen commented with some surprise.

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