End of the Crossroads

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The time when the path will be chosen.

The day when there are no more ultimatums.

Today is that day, the day that the crossroads are no more.

The answer today, however, will change many things.

"The exam that was world ending for many, let's begin."

With that uncertainty, they will carry on nonetheless.

The next day, Tuesday March 2nd.

Morning homeroom.

Chabashira walked through the door shortly after the bell rang.

It was the usual scene that unfolded every morning.

The class was enveloped in an air of relaxation.

It was announced yesterday that we had all passed the end-of-year exam without any problems. There were still a few days to go before the start of the final special exam for the first-years on March 8th, so it was no surprise that there wasn't a hint of nervousness in the room.

"And it was all messed up. It's like we were hit in the head with a chair when we were happy," Ike grumbled.

"That is what your friend tried to do. Keyword is tried," Koenji chuckled.

"He tried to hit someone with a chair? That's pathetic but I'm also impressed he had the balls to do that," Ryuuen laughed.

"Well, he really had nothing to lose. What else did you expect? He could probably kill at that moment if he was able to," Sakayanagi giggled.

"'Was able to' huh? I wonder what you mean by that," Ryuuen commented.

"I have no idea what you're thinking of," Sakayanagi played dumb.

Of course, the students knew who was expelled. It's the only logical option when one of them isn't in the class and we have the OAA. But for class B, it's a little different. It's possible that a student that hasn't been shown may have transferred in, making their total 40. Although this is a leap that most won't think of, or would just deem far too unlikely.

However, Chabashira's expression as she stood behind the podium was more grim than usual.

She projected a tense, stinging aura that spread to the students as well.

"Um, did something happen?"

Hirata, always prioritizing the stability of the class, took the initiative to speak up.

Chabashira didn't answer right away, instead choosing to simply remain silent. The impression she gave off made it seem like she was reluctant to say anything.

Up until now, no matter how serious things had been, she would beat her explanations into us without mercy. So, it didn't take very long for the class to realize that this situation was abnormal.

"Was the final exam really so bad?" Yagami questioned.

The words that began this video were just 'an exam' not a surprise exam. The first years all fully believe that the final exam will be the one that's going to be shown now.

"It was pretty bad, I won't lie. Some students had a lot of stomach problems too, which was a shame," Ryuuen chuckled.

Ichinose didn't say anything in response, maintaining her calm exterior.

"You still thinking about that punishment? I thought you'd show a bigger reaction," Ryuuen speculated.

Ichinose was quick with the response.

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