The Broken Arrow of Cupid

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Normally, I would get to school around 5-10 minutes before the opening bell, however, I was asked to come early today. In all honesty, I had no idea what they were going to talk to me about.

Upon arriving at the class at 7:45 am, there were naturally no students around, except for one girl that sat alone in a seat. She looked completely focused as if she was dealing with something heavy. Perhaps a close family member had passed? No, it wouldn't be something she would tell me.

"I'm here, Horikita," I told her as I walked to her seat.

"Thank you for coming, Ayanokouji. I'm sure you're confused why I called you out here so early in the morning," Horikita looked up at me.

"I wouldn't really consider 7:45 to be really early, but continue," I added.

"Was that necessary?"

"Just something that stuck out to me."

Horikita sighed but continued.

"Ayanokouji, how exactly do you think I should become a more trusted leader?" Horikita asked.

Out of everything she could have asked, such a mundane question wasn't one I was expecting.

How she can become more trusted, huh? Well, it isn't as if she isn't trusted, but I suppose she isn't on the level of the other class leaders. Comparing her to the respect and trust other leaders get, she doesn't do well.

Ichinose is the most trusted, for obvious reasons. Sakayanagi is the most trusted in her class not only because of her own skills but also because there isn't anyone in her class that can oppose her. Ryuuen I would also rank above Horikita since while there are students that have the ability to oppose him, they don't. The results Ryuuen has shown have granted him more trust than Horikita.

As for Horikita...

"I think the reason you aren't more trusted is that you cut off mutual understanding," I answered.

"Mutual understanding, huh? I kind of understand, but other classes don't generally have a leader they can understand all that well," Horikita retorted.

"That's true, but their roles and existence in the class is different to yours. Now, you can be called the class's leader, but if a student has a problem, who would they go to, you or Yosuke?" I asked.

"I understand that part. I don't have a bond with the class, but the other leaders in our year, excluding Ichinose, don't have a great bond with their classmates. That's the part I don't understand," Horikita sighed.

This had probably been weighing on her for some time.

"You are correct. Ryuuen doesn't have much compassion in his leadership style, but unlike you, he's the definitive leader and the one that makes every decision. A student with a problem could go to Katsuragi, but Katsuragi can only do so much. Yosuke has the ability to lead and influence certain decisions while the class can vote on things," I told her.

"And Sakayanagi is the same, huh? She's the only option available," Horikita looked like she was understood.

"Well, look at it like this. You are a one-way mirror. You look out at everyone, giving them commands, assigning them their roles, but no one can see in. As the leader, you are quite incredible in their eyes, but as a classmate, you're nonexistent," I stated bluntly.

The solution isn't hard to think of, but achieving it is another thing.

"So the answer is to make bond with the students. Essentially, I have to make friends," Horikita pondered.

"If it's any consolation, I don't think it would be that hard if you try," I told her.

"I have no idea where to start," Horikita grumbled.

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