A Textbook That I Wanted To Be Something More

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Today will be the last video I watch. How fitting that it's almost at Christmas as well. Almost like it's a gift for it to be over.

These past 4 months, every video I watched, and every facet of information I gained, I can't help but feel that it was special. Something so inexplicably unique that, even with the other hundreds of people who watched these tapes, my experience was something that couldn't be replicated.

What would the future entail for me? How would I be treated after these videos have finally finished and we go back into exams? I can't help but wonder those things.

"Welcome, welcome. Today, as you all know, will be the final video you all watch. As for what happens for your future school life, you have to wait until the end for that."

By now, it had set into every student that it was the beginning of the end.

An upset Kei was sitting in my room.

Looking at how neatly she was dressed, it really did seem like she had plans afterwards.

"So, what is it?"

Kei looked at me, frowning, as I stayed silent.

Even though I was the one who called her out, I couldn't say anything.

"What are you talking about?"

"No, what do you mean? Didn't you say you remembered what you wanted to say?"

"Well, now that you mention it, that is true."



"Real great convo skills you got there," Hashimoto chuckled.

He wasn't alone, it seems there was collective amusement at my communication skills, or lack thereof.

"I think he just wants to piss people off," Ryuuen grumbled.

"Do you have traumatic memories?" Sakayanagi giggled.

"Ha. Sure, whatever," Ryuuen scoffed.

Listening to my vague words, Kei's displeasure intensified.

"That's why I'm asking, what did you want to say?"

"Alright, you don't have to be so hasty."

"I just told you, I'm eating out with my friends at 7 o'clock at Keyaki mall. Understand?"

"There's still plenty of time, it's fine."

"This is giving me a bad feeling, you know? You're speaking nonsense."

Kei started feeling a little suspicious because I was acting a little differently than usual.

"...Right, I've got something to tell you."

The students didn't seem to really know where this video would be going. It had been quite a while since Kei was one of the focuses in the video, so of course, their knowledge of her and how she would act now is limited.

Since I stayed silent, Kei started to complain.

"Something you got to tell me?"

To be honest, I didn't know what Kei wanted to say, so I decided to ask her.

"Sato-san is suspicious about our relationship."

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