Interlude: The House of the Dead

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"Ah, please come in, Kanzaki," I gestured, allowing him into my room.

Kanzaki entered without making eye contact and proceeded to sit on the bed.

Taking my place on the chair next to my desk, I positioned myself in a way that provided convenient access to my laptop.

"Are you recording something? Can you turn it off please?" Kanzaki requested.

I wasn't recording something in all honesty, but it was clear no progress would be made if I didn't oblige, so I tilted the computer lid shut. It means that while nothing was going to be recorded, the applications are still open.

"So then, why'd you call me up here? Honestly, I was surprised you contacted me so out of the blue," Kanzaki sighed as he looked at me for the first time.

"I need your help in breaking someone."

There was no need to sugarcoat it. That's exactly what I would be doing.

Kanzaki, naturally, didn't expect such a thing.

"You couldn't have been a little more eloquent with your words?"

"It's because when I tell you the details of the plan, you're going to inevitably wonder why I'm doing this and what the goal is. If I don't inform you right now, there's the slim chance that you may not do things according to plan," I explained.

It's a prevention tactic, in other words. But it won't matter much in the long run either way, it's just helpful in the case he agrees without any more convincing.

Kanzaki's brows furrowed at my ominous explanation, but he didn't outright deny the possibility of cooperation.

"Before we get into what you're asking me to do, I want to know who you're going to, well, break," Kanzaku inquired.

A natural question.

"Yagami Takuya."

Kanzaki's eyes widened in surprise.

"I can see what you mean now with that explanation. I would really be wondering what you were trying to do. I just don't see the correlation," Kanzaki remarked while his gaze fixated on the ceiling, as if contemplating something or trying to gather his thoughts.

"Well, your actual responsibility isn't incredibly large. You just have to walk in at the right time and string your words together carefully," I added.

Kanzaki looked at me with a wary expression.

"I doubt that's all. If it really was so minor, you'd have gotten someone else to aid you, so why me?"

"You wouldn't mess it up. And also, it's more convenient for you to play the part since you're much more refined and trustworthy than, let's say, Ishizaki," I answered.

Whatever Kanzaki is feeling right now, whether it be fear, confusion or perhaps even just plain anxiousness, the next question he asks is essentially set in stone.

"What will I be doing specifically?" Kanzaki asked after a brief bit of silence.

"To begin with, I need you to go buy me something from the tech store in keyaki. It shouldn't be expensive. At the very most, it would be 5,000 points," I began.

A clean, newly bought one would be better.

"Then what?" Kanzaki continued, unphased at the first request.

Of course, he hadn't agreed to anything yet.

"I need you to come give me it at a specific time and place. As for why..."

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