ch 8

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    On the way back, Gu Liu pulled Adu and Xia to dig a pit on the flat ground not far from the foot of the tribe. The reason was naturally that the place where the earth fruit grew was too far from the tribe. The earth fruit is getting much faster. Hearing him say that, A Du and Xia both think it makes sense, so they naturally follow him to grow the earth fruit.

    Dig one and throw in the ground fruit cut into pieces with bud eyes, so that the yield of the ground fruit will increase.

    A Du hesitated, he said, "Liu, the earth fruit has been chopped up, can it really grow into an earth fruit?"

    Xia looked at Gu Liu curiously. Gu Liu was about to speak when Aya appeared again. , She walked with a few Asian beasts, Xu heard their conversation, and a male Asian beast next to Aya sneered: "Three fools, you are wasting the ground fruit, chopped the ground fruit and put it in the soil. Are you feeding bugs?" In

    just one short day, A Du had a lot of trust in Gu Liu, although he didn't get a positive answer from Gu Liu, he immediately jumped and said, "Gu Liu said that he can plant seeds. If the fruit from the earth will be able to grow the fruit from the earth, we are not wasting it!" The

    male Asian beast laughed, he pointed at Gu Liu and said, "Adu, he is not from our tribe at all, maybe he was not at all in the past. He's just lying to you!"

    Gu Liuxin said that eldest brother, you really guessed it right, but of course he couldn't answer this man's words, instead he stood up and looked at the male Asian beast and asked, "Then You say, why should I lie to A Du? Is it any good for me?" The

    male Asian beast got stuck, yes, no one would do such a thankless thing, so what would be the benefit of doing it? He couldn't think of it, so he could only hesitate and say: "Who knows what you think? Anyway, you are lying to A Du!"

    A Du snorted: "You won't lie to me!"

    Aya raised her chin He said, "Whatever you want, it's summer now, and there is no shortage of food in the tribe. You can still mess around like this. In winter, you will starve to death if you do this again!"

    Gu Liu glanced at Aya and said: " Winter matters will be discussed in winter."

    Aya snorted and left with a few sub beasts.

    The three of them dug in the open space for a while. The gathering team was different from the hunting team, and there was a lot less danger. Although everyone would go out together, the time when they came back was not certain. Within the range of their sub-beast activities, there were powerful orcs. There is not much danger in expelling the beasts.

    The three of them were busy for almost two hours, and they planted about 200 square meters of land, mainly A Du and Xia. They were strong and fast. Gu left the three of them to divide the work, and A Du was responsible for digging the pits. Gu Liu and Xia are responsible for planting fruit in the pit, so that the speed will be happier.

    After planting the ground fruit, Gu Liu took A Du and Xia and used some branches to stick around to make a simple fence, which could not prevent any beasts, but let them know at a glance where the ground fruit they planted was. .

    The three of them returned to the tribe, Xia asked A Du in a low voice from the back: "Brother A Du, will the fruit really grow in the autumn?"

    A Du was also a little unsure in his heart, but he was out of concern for Gu Liu. Blindly trusting, he nodded and said: "It's definitely possible, it's very good to liu, even something as good as ground fruit stew can be made, and there are oil residues! So he must be right, Xia, we have to believe him! "

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