ch 32

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    The fact that the Giant Bear Tribe joined the Tianhe Tribe set off a wave in both tribes. The leader of the Giant Bear Tribe, Huo, voluntarily gave up his position as the leader, and respected the leader of the Tianhe Tribe, Jiao.

    For several days, the tribe has been discussing this matter, and there are people with various ideas, but in general, the relationship between the two tribes is not bad, and it is a good thing for most people to merge into one.

    As for Gu Liu, apart from being a little surprised that day when he heard about this matter, he left it behind after that.

    Now most of the injured people in the tribe have recovered, and a small number do not need him and A Du to watch all the time. He finally got out of the state of being too busy after the earthquake, and the balance of health points It has reached five digits, and it could have been higher. However, the consumption of medicinal materials is even more terrible. There are still many people bitten by snakes and insects on the way, and they have spent a lot of life points, but fortunately, there is no need to worry about themselves in the next few months's health enters a countdown.

    Because the rainy season was over and the sun was shining brightly, Gu Liu took A Du and other five people from the medical team to the forest to collect them in the morning. By the way, he recognized the medicines and collected them, and told them the purpose of each medicine. In the afternoon, he took the construction team's medicine. Shan, Tan and others went to the shady place behind the mountain to build a house with rammed earth.

    After working for about ten days, he finally started to build a house. Gu Liu really didn't have much research on it, so he could only fumble. First, he found a flat and spacious place not far from the tribe to lay the foundation. Rammed earth can lay the foundation, but The tribe digs caves every day, and most of them are made of stone, so the foundation is made of stone, and then four walls are erected. When building the front wall, there are windows and doors.

    After the wall is fixed, the key is the roof. There are no tiles. Only a few large logs can be fixed on the wall, covered with a rammed earth wall, and then covered with chiseled stone slabs. Covering the gaps in the slate, this dissimilar house was built, and then the kang and table were added, and it was almost the same.

    Gu Liu went in and experienced it for a while. The walls are thick and the roof is not thin. It is definitely not as cool as the cave, but it is not as humid as the cave.

    The only problem is that the shockproof performance may not be very good, but it's all in this primitive place, what kind of house do you need?

    The orcs and Asian beasts who were watching not far away were watching lively, and some people asked: "What is this thing the doctor made?"

    Someone next to him said: "It's a house, the doctor said that the house can be built and can live in, and that it is better than a cave. ." The

    voice fell, and everyone looked at the boxy mud-colored thing, looking around to see how it was better than a cave.

    This Gu Liu had already called the leader corner over, preparing to take the leader corner to see the house.

    Jiao had long heard that the doctor took people to make something called a house, but he didn't take it seriously. It took dozens of orcs to work for many days to dig a cave, so the doctor took five people, three of them. It's still an Asian beast. Even if he believes that Gu Liu is very powerful, he doesn't think this thing called a house can be better than a cave.

    Now I heard that the doctor asked him to look at the house, he ran over immediately, and saw a small boxy thing standing on the ground from a distance, surrounded by many people, he walked over, the crowd separated, The doctor said to him, "Chief, please."

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