ch 48

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  After the Youtao tribe stayed for three days, the Tianhe tribe set off and left. On the way back, the wind and snow were heavier, and it took them eight days to return to the tribe.

    As soon as they returned to the tribe, both Gu Liu and the orcs couldn't wait to get into their houses. They were fed up with the cave and the cold wind outside.

    Sitting on the kang, Gu Liu felt warm all over his body and greeted A Du to count his harvests this time with him. Although there was no five furs found near the Youtao tribe, Gu Liu found Huanglian and Duanhuan on the way. Continuing to wait for the herbal medicine, the most important thing is that he found a mulberry tree, although the leaves have fallen off, but he still recognized it, it is indeed a mulberry tree!

    The dried skin root of mulberry after removing the cork is called mulberry white skin, which has the effect of purging the lungs and relieving asthma, clearing water and reducing swelling, and also has pharmacological activities of blood pressure, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer [1], and mulberry white skin It can be made into mulberry leather thread, which can be used to suture wounds. He can't use the suture from the system store for Adu and the others, but now the tribe can forge iron tools, and with mulberry leather thread, others can also use it The days of suturing wounds are not far away.

    So for most of the winter, Gu Liu spent most of the time running around the house and the cave, making mulberry and white leather lines, watching the progress of the tribe's forging iron and brick and tile making, and occasionally giving some advice to himself, or to the orcs who caught a cold in the tribe. Ya Beast sees a disease, so there is no need to worry about his health for the time being, and his life is still somewhat nourishing.

    And Lie, who he had been worried about, didn't contract chickenpox, which made Gu Liu heave a sigh of relief.

    At the end of winter, the food in the tribe is getting less and less, and in the case of heavy snow, it is difficult for even strong orcs to catch the prey. The day can barely go on.

    Just when the tribal fruit was about to be eaten, spring finally came, the snow began to melt, everything recovered, and the forest was the same every day, and in just a few days, the snow-white everywhere turned into a vibrant green.

    Just as the snow was melting this spring, Archie burned the bricks and tiles, and Gu Liu ran to see it immediately. The bricks that Archie burned were not the common red bricks in China, but they looked like they used to be. The blue bricks I have seen are long and thick, and they are extremely hard.

    The orcs and the beasts who followed to watch the fun patted and patted the bricks, pinched and pinched, and someone asked, "What's the use of this thing?"

    Many of them have seen knives this winter, and they know that knives are very sharp, but What can these boxy stones be used for? Another Asian animal touched the black tile and said, "Is this the pottery of our tribe? But the front and back are not blocked, so there is no place for soup!"

    Hearing what he said, everyone who knew the inside story laughed, and an orc who was helping to make bricks and tiles laughed and said, "Alin, you are wrong, these two things are used to build houses!

    " Lin's Ya-Beast: "Build a house? How do these two things build a house?" The

    Tianhe tribe's orc Ya-Beast didn't wonder for too long. After the number of fired bricks was reached, the Tianhe tribe's first brick house began to be built. Naturally, the ones responsible for the construction were the orcs Shan and Tan, which built the most rammed earth houses, as well as the Asian beasts Ahu, Axun, Alin, and a few other orcs.

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