Chapter 02

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I didn't speak for a few seconds as I was in shock after hearing those words.

'I should've killed her a long time ago?!'

Who could talk about her sister like that? So many emotions ran across her eyes when she said that. Fear, anger, hatred and I didn't like the murderous look she had. She really hated Megan and Megan surely brought the worst out of her.

I looked around and cleared my throat. The Cafe was mostly empty and I could see Mrs. Berkeley walking towards us with our coffees. She put them down and smiled at me while stealing a glance at Maddy. Maddy didn't bother to look up and Mrs. Berkeley walked away after stealing another glance at her. I hoped she didn't hear what Maddy said. But I doubted that from the way she looked at Maddy.

I sighed for the second time within the last fifteen minutes. Looked like it was going to become a habit of mine.

"Maddy!" I called her and she snapped her eyes to mine, "are you crazy?!" I hissed, "do you hear yourself? How could you talk about something like that?" I looked around, "and don't forget we're in a public place. People could freak out with your words" I scolded her.

Her face had a blank expression and next second she burst out laughing. She sobered up when she saw I was serious and wiped away her tears.

"Oh my God! That was good" she sniffed, "really Alex? did you really think I was capable of something like that?" She asked and I glared at her.

"I didn't say you're capable of something like that" I snapped, "I just wanted you to watch your bloody mouth when you're talking in a public place" I growled.

"Ouch!" She faked hurt, "Okay, I'll do it next time. Happy?!"

"Yeah! Very happy!" I muttered.

We stayed silent after that drowning in our own thoughts only moving our hands to sip coffee. We didn't want to talk, since not either one of us wanted to disturb the comfortable silence in this empty cafe. People had gone home and it was time for us to leave too.

"Let's go!"

I broke the silence by getting up and walked out after bidding goodbye to Mrs. Berkeley. She still had that look on her face and watched Maddy till she got in the car.

I drove her to the house and when it was time for Maddy to get out she spoke up.

"Don't go near Megan. I don't like it"

She kissed my cheek and got off while I wondered what she meant by that.


"She likes you!" Nick bit his lip clearly interested in Brittany who didn't bother to hide that she liked me.

"Yeah! Tell me something new" I said bored since I didn't have any interest at all. I had a girlfriend for god's sake.

"So you wouldn't mind if I hit on her?"

"Please! Do whatever you like" I didn't hide my dislike, "I don't care what you do with girls as long as she's not Maddy" I said.

Nick gave a sly smirk and walked towards Brittany. They talked, clearly flirting and after a few minutes they were gone. 

"That was quick," Justin said from beside me.

"I can't believe he's your cousin. You two surely have different genes when it comes to girls" I said.

Justin only smiled fixing his glasses and said nothing.

Justin was my best friend and he was devoted to his girlfriend unlike his cousin Nick. Justin was every girls' dream boyfriend. He was polite, devoted, loved and treated Vera as she was his one true love, whereas Nick was your typical bad boy.

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