Chapter 08

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Everyone looked at us curiously and I wondered why they called us first.

"Detectives are here to question about Brittany" Mr. West said looking at the class, "they will ask questions and all you have to do is answer them truthfully"

"Yeah! I'm sure that the murderer will confess too" someone sneered.

"Mr. Harold, one of your friends is dead. And death is not something you joke about. And do not joke about the person who kills too" Mr. West glared at him, "a killer is someone who has an unstable mind. So it's better not to provoke them and draw unnecessary attention towards you" he said sternly.

"Why? Do you think he is going to kill me too?" I turned around to see who was talking. Levi! The one and only troublemaker in our school.

"Mr. Harold!" Mr. West warned.

"That killer is a coward and weak. He attacks girls. Let him come to me. I'm sure I can teach him a lesson" his group of idiots chuckled with him.

Mr. West sighed, giving up and signalled us to leave. And we left the classroom while Levi started to blabber some nonsense again. Maddy and I walked silently, not bothering to speak up and when we reached the office, the assistant took us towards some rooms and knocked on one door before opening it.

"Alexander and Madison are here" she said to someone inside.

"Send Alexander inside. Richard will talk to the girl,” he said.

Assistant gestured towards the door and took Maddy away. My heart started to beat faster and I walked in slowly trying to calm down. I didn't know what to expect or what they would ask. What was I going to say if they asked about Maddy? Did they suspect her already? Was that the reason why they asked us to come first?

I sighed and walked in. And felt relieved when I saw a familiar face inside the room.

There were two people in that room, including our school counsellor. My eyes landed on the other person in front of me, who watched my every move like a hawk. He was the other detective that came with Richard and when I looked closely I could tell he was older than my brother. He could be the lead detective in this case.

"Sit down, Alex. You don't mind me calling you Alex. Do you?"

"No, I don't" I closed the door and sat down.

"I'm Logan, lead detective of this case" he shook my hand, "Do you know why you are here?"

"I guess it's because of Brittany" I felt sweat appear on my forehead.

"Yes! We are questioning you because we want some information"

"Okay!" I wiped my hands on my pants.

"Alex!" Mrs. Carson, our school counsellor spoke up, "you can stop whenever you feel uncomfortable. They are just following a procedure. You are not a suspect, so relax" she said.

I nodded my head letting out a sigh of relief.

"You okay, now?" Logan asked.


"So let's start then" he opened a notebook and scribbled something down.

"Did you know Miss. Aberton personally?"

"No! Brittany was just a friend at school. I didn't know about her personal life. We were not that close"

"Hmm" he hummed, "Did you happen to know whether she had enemies or not?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I thought for a second what to say, "Brittany's personality...... was like you know... bitchy. She didn't care who was with who or whether a boy had a girlfriend or not. If she liked a guy she went for it. She didn't care about others" I felt bad about talking about a dead person like that, but I wanted them to suspect everyone else, not just Maddy, "so I guess she had more enemies than friends" I shrugged.

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