Chapter 18

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I stared at the photo of that blue eyed boy like I was hypnotised. Next second I was on the floor kneeling and I clutched my head as a sharp pain went through it again and again a few times. Looked like it wasn't going to stop any time soon and I tried to get out of there as I wanted to reach Richard to help me out.

I squeezed shut my eyes taking deep breaths. I felt the pain going away slowly but when I opened my eyes I wasn't in Richard's office anymore. Instead I was in a room which belonged to a kid and I looked around frantically as I couldn't understand what really happened.

"Alex!" Someone called from behind and I turned my head towards the door only to fall on my back in shock.

There stood that boy with blue eyes who had his photo on that evidence board under the name J. C. Maxwell. He looked no more than eleven years old and he walked towards me curiously while I dragged myself back to get away from him.

"Stop!" I shouted and panicked but he walked towards me like he didn't care. To my surprise he walked past me and I turned my head quickly following his footsteps until he stopped near another boy who had his back towards me.

He was sitting on the floor crossing his legs, his focus was on something in front of him on the floor.

"What are you doing?" James knelt beside him.

"I'm trying to make this Lego piece, but it's hard" he huffed while James laughed and got up.

"C'mon Alex!" Was that me?!, "let's go outside. I have something to show you" James tugged his hand.

"Okay!" That boy gave up getting up and when he turned I sucked in a breath.

That was me! That was when I was very young! I also looked the same age as James or maybe younger. So was this a lost memory? Did I start to remember again? But why now? Was it because of that photo?

They both walked out of the room and I got up quickly to follow them out. They passed several rooms and the kitchen but there was no sign of anyone else inside the house. They walked out to a backyard and I looked around trying to identify anything to figure out where I was.

It was a big two storey house that looked more like a mansion and their vast backyard covered with several huge trees. James walked towards a tree which was a bit smaller than other trees in the garden and he pointed towards it smiling.

"Dad said he is going to build me a treehouse there. We can build a fortress or a pirate ship. Anything that we like" he grinned.

"Cool!" I had a dreamy look in my eyes, "so when are they going to start building it?"

"Next week. The builder already came and took measurements. I can't wait till he finishes building it" James bounced on his legs excitedly.

I walked near the tree and looked up, "It's very tall. Do you think we can see the whole lake and town from up there?" I questioned.

James tapped his chin thinking, "I think so. We can ask my dad. You know he knows everything"

"Cool! Let's ask him then"

They turned around to leave but a voice interrupted them making me freeze on my spot.

"Alex, time to go" mom shouted gesturing to them to come, "you too, Collin. Come inside. Your mother is looking for you" she said.

With that everything started to blur, but my focus was on the name that I heard my mom used to call James. Collin! She called him, Collin!

I was in shock hearing that familiar name and I watched them disappear in front me as the darkness spread covering my whole vision. A distant voice called my name, and the more I focused on the voice the more I started to hear it clearly. Richard!

Her Secrets Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon