Chapter 41

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I smiled seeing how much she loved me and I wished she was next to me so I could kiss her until she was breathless. I scoffed. She said she didn't love me!

I went through the next few pages quickly but they were just about our dates and school days and I didn't notice anything unusual.

The one that caught my attention had mentioned Megan and I read it curiously.

Megan had found out. She had found out I was dating Alex and she started her usual tormenting behaviour. She threatened me again telling me that she would take Alex away just like she did with Chris. She told me she would make my life miserable and would make everyone leave me. 

I shuddered just thinking about it. I never liked to feel alone and I would rather die before let that happen. 

I know she was trying to prove to me that I'm still no match for her. That she could take everything away from me whenever she desired. By doing that she wanted to prove to me how weak I am and how much control she has over me.

But this time I won't give up!

Chris was a mistake. I started to go out with him because I wanted to get rid of my feelings towards Alex. I liked the guy but I didn't love him. Chris was sweet but he was also stupid. He didn't see right through Megan and fell into her trap. He couldn't even understand that Megan was just playing with his feelings.

When I wasn't around, Megan started to pretend like me. She had done things to make him regret having me as his girlfriend, but showed herself as the sweet, innocent kind and he fell in love with her. It disgusted me when I saw how low Megan would go to punish me.

She came to parties with Chris a few times and played the sweet girlfriend role in front of everyone. She kissed and hugged him thinking that it would hurt me. But when she saw that it didn't, she was quick to end it by making Chris leave the school for something he didn't do.

Sweet girls never dump their boyfriends and she had to keep that appearance going on. At the end Chris left the town and paid the price for falling into Megan tricks.

It is a curse to have an identical face with that monster. All she has to do is dress up like me and pretend like she is Maddy.

She is so good at it, and unfortunately I can't tell anyone since I'm afraid of everyone leaving me.

I let out a shaky breath. Megan was more dangerous than I thought. And I wondered whether Megan came to me as Maddy or not?

A shiver went down my spine and I felt disgusted.

I couldn't be that blind right? I could tell Maddy and Megan apart. But I remembered how I couldn't recognise them when we were young. Shit! Who would expect this kind of thing to happen? And nobody would suspect Megan would do that. It was unbelievable until you hear a confession like this.

I turned to other pages quickly. If Megan did that to me Maddy would have written it here somewhere. She had to!

I stopped on the page where she had written about that night. The night we fought and went to that cafe. I started to read it with an uneasy mind. Please, God! Let it be Maddy.

We fought today because of that bitch. She was watching us and I couldn't explain it to Alex because I was afraid of losing him. I hate myself. I hate being so weak.

I told Alex that I should've killed Megan a long time ago. I blurted it out mistakenly but it scared Alex and he scolded me. What would happen when he got to know the truth about Megan and me? Will he leave me or stay by my side?

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