Chapter 24

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I left the building with a heavy heart. I didn't have that relaxed expression that girl had on her face. Instead I was afraid, anxious and felt like I was going crazy.

Huh! So much for seeing a therapist.

When I replayed the conversation again I realised that every time Megan approached me it was to lure me into her trap. She wanted me to fall for her and she wanted to hurt Maddy by doing that. I felt relieved that I didn't fall for her tricks. But since I didn't, did that mean Megan had planned to kill me? So that night when Maddy came was that..... No, no! That was an absurd thought. 

"Alex, are you okay?!" My mom's concerned voice dragged me back to reality and it made me force a smile on my face.

"Yes! I'm okay" I replied.

She stayed silent after that but watched me from time to time with a worried and confused expression on her face. I was glad that she didn't ask anything but I knew she would want to know what happened.

The day passed by quickly and I tried to contact Maddy so many times. As expected she ignored my calls. But tomorrow I wouldn't let her walk away from me without clearing this problem in between us.

Mom was busy preparing the dinner and I helped her as much as I could. Around seven o'clock Richard and Logan arrived and Dad offered Logan a drink while I asked Richard to follow me.

Richard followed me into my room without a hesitation and I sat on the bed gesturing to Richard to sit down on my chair. I felt really awkward about this situation. I had never apologised to him before and never felt any kind of regret about my harsh behaviour towards him. But knowing what really happened, I couldn't ignore how hurt he must have been.

I got up and paced inside the room avoiding his eyes. I clenched my hands. 'I have to do this!' I muttered to myself.

"Alex, are you-"

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out.


"I'm sorry for these past few years. Mom told me everything" I turned to face him.

"Oh!" He looked shocked, "you didn't know. So it's okay" He gave me a faint smile.

"But... but I feel really guilty" I looked away trying to control my emotions, "I shouldn't have treated you that way. You're my brother after all" I swallowed the knot in my throat painfully.

"Alex!" He got up and squeezed my shoulders making me look at him, "snap out of it. It's not your fault and you were very young" he let me go, "I would let you do it again even if it meant keeping you away from your traumatic memories. I would rather get hurt other than seeing you get hurt. Do you understand me?" He asked gently.

I nodded my head, "yes! And I'm sorry again" I apologised to him.

"Urgh! Stop saying sorry. Everything's all right now, isn't it?"


"Good!" He ruffled my hair and put a hand over my shoulders, "now let's go and enjoy our dinner"

He pushed me out of the room and walked with me towards the kitchen. I still felt a little bit awkward but strangely I was happy and felt at peace. Mom noticed us first and her face brightened. Her smile told me that she expected this to happen. She turned her back to us wiping her eyes and walked away sniffing to bring out the food.

After dinner was served we all sat down. Dad sat at the head of the table with mom and me on one side while Logan and Richard sat on the other side. First few minutes were silent, as everyone was busy filling their plates with Mom's famous lasagne, and I dove into my food when my dad and Logan started to converse.

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