Chapter 06

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I pushed her away and Brittany stumbled back, almost embarrassing herself by falling on her back.

"What the hell?!" I shouted.

Brittany only smirked and looked to our right, "I hope she will let you go now!"

I snapped my head towards the same direction and I regretted even talking with Brittany, when I saw Maddy standing there disappointed. She had a look of jealousy in her eyes and she stormed out of the entrance before I could follow her out.

I cursed myself, starting to follow Maddy out of the school. But as soon as I got out, my heart sank seeing Maddy getting into Nick's car. I shouted, but Maddy ignored me and Nick drove away before I could reach them. Shit! I wanted to punch Nick, so I could wipe that smirk off his face. That son of a bitch!

All throughout the day I tried to contact Maddy and even asked Justin to give a call to Nick. But they both didn't answer and our calls were sent to their voicemails.

I let this happen and I could only pray that Maddy won't do something stupid.


Next day Lyla dragged me out towards the football field and made me sit on the bleachers with her. She said she had something to show and I only agreed because she mentioned Maddy's name.

Lyla took her phone out and opened her gallery. I watched her tap on a photo and without a word she gave it to me. I looked at her confused, but took it anyway. When I looked at the photo my heart sank and I was shocked for a moment. I didn't believe Maddy would go this far to hurt me.

It was a photo of Nick and Maddy, half naked and kissing. I swiped left to see more photos of them. Clearly Maddy had taken them but how did Lyla get access to these photos? But it wasn't what I should worry about. How far did they go after kissing like this?

I got up abruptly but sat down again. What should I do? I needed an explanation anyway. I sent those photos to my phone and asked Lyla to delete them from her phone memory. To my relief she did it without a protest.

"How did you get these photos, Lyla?" I asked.

"Does it matter? She cheated on you. You deserve better, Alex" she touched my arm in a comforting manner, but I pulled away.

"Whether Maddy cheated on me or not, it's none of your business, Lyla. Please leave! I want to be alone"

Lyla looked hurt but I looked away not wanting to comfort her. She got up and huffed, "you better be careful, Alex! Maddy is not who you think she is.If you go against her she will hurt you. I know you don't believe me. So if you really want to find about Maddy then go and find out what really happened to Chris. I hope you would believe me then"

With that she left and I grabbed my hair out of frustration. I knew who Chris was. He was Maddy's boyfriend before me. He was the popular quarterback and after dating a few months they broke up.

The reason for their break up was Megan. Chris fell in love with her and started to date Megan right after his break up with Maddy. But a few weeks later Chris left the school and nobody knew the exact reason for his sudden leave. I didn't know what happened to Chris after that. Nobody saw him again.

But I was sure it wasn't the reason Maddy hated Megan. They were not on good terms even before they started school here. Urgh! Why did everything have to be a secret? It complicated everything.

"Alex!" I heard a soft voice speak up. I lifted my head. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see someone sitting next to me.

"Megan?! What are you doing here?"

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