Chapter 13

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I was so confused!

What she meant by 'everything's going to be okay' and why was she crying?

Did she already regret what had happened here? If not, did she have bipolar disorder or something?

Why was she making me so confused? Was this some kind of game to her?

Urgh! Questions, questions!

Questions that I didn't have any answers to.

This could be easily solved if she tells me the truth. Or if she could tell me what was really going on.

But no!

She had to make this more complicated by giving me answers that didn't make any sense.

What was she meant by that again? 'Everything's going to be okay from now on'?

Last time she talked about taking control someone got killed.....

Shit! Is someone going to get killed tonight?

I hopped off the bed running out of the door immediately. I had to stop Maddy! If my hunch was right, someone is going to die tonight. And I can't let Maddy kill someone again.

Not again! I really didn't know if she killed Brittany or not?

But before I could run out Richard came in and shut the door behind him giving me a weird look.

"Why are you not sleeping?" he asked me, searching my face, "Is that warning bothering you? You know I won't let anything happen to you, right? And there are two officers out there watching our house so you don't have to worry" he explained.

I watched him having an internal battle with myself since I couldn't decide whether to tell him about Maddy or not. But in the end I decided not to tell him anything. Because it was just a guess and I didn't think they would believe me anyway.

So I nodded my head and walked back to my room without a word. I heard Richard walk into his room and got settled in. I stared into the darkness not being able to sleep, since my mind constantly bothered me with the thoughts of Maddy.

I called her again but she didn't pick it up. And with the police officers outside I couldn't sneak out. So there was nothing I could do other than wait for tomorrow to visit Maddy.

My mind was already exhausted and my body also surrendered as soon as I was pulled into a slumber that was filled with very disturbing dreams.


I awoke from my sleep when someone shook me vigorously.

I groaned, annoyed and slapped away the hands pulling my covers over my head. I heard the person sigh and he sat beside me on my bed pulling the covers down.

"Alex!" His voice had a bit of urgency, "You need to get up, now!"

I groaned again, "what? I still have time to get ready"

"No, it's not about the school" I heard Richard sigh again. Okay! That was not a good sign.

"Then what?" I sat on my bed facing him.

He stayed silent not being able to spit out what he had in his mind and it made me nervous.

"spit it out already, Richard" I barked at him not being able to stand this tension that was building up.

"Megan...." he trailed off and my heart skipped a beat, "she killed herself last night" he blurted out.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me, "what?!" I asked him, "what did you say?"

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