Chapter 26

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Hearing the conversation between Nick and Maddy I came to understand one thing. It was that Dr. Scott's warning had started to come true.

I didn't like the way Maddy talked with Nick or things she said about their night which they had spent together to piss me off. But a chill went down my spine hearing what she had said. It should have been something that should comfort me. The thing she said about knocking him out with sleeping pills.

But it wasn't.

It brought back the memories of Megan and I didn't like it one bit. I didn't want Maddy to follow the path that her sister went down. And after hearing those words I decided I would do everything in my power to take her to Dr. Scott.

I walked towards them and grabbed Maddy's hand forcing her to let go of Nick. Nick stumbled back and watched Maddy with a horrified expression. He still looked pale and didn't utter a word as he backed away from us. Hatred filled his eyes and he glared at Maddy before storming off.

Everything that had happened annoyed me a lot, but when I looked at Maddy a very unsettling feeling entered my mind. Her eyes glistened with excitement and she licked her lips looking at the way Nick disappeared.

I took a deep breath in. Fear! Fear was what I felt exactly at that moment.

But I masked my expression quickly when Maddy turned to face me. She smiled softly and grabbed my hand. Her eyes sparkled and they were filled with love.

This was the Maddy I knew and I felt ashamed. Why did I judge her and why did I feel fear towards her? She was Maddy, the girl whom I loved and there was no way in the world she could think of killing somebody.

"Would you like to see her?"


"I said, ‘Would you like to see her?’" Maddy gestured towards the casket inside.     

"Oh!" I didn't know what to say, "If you want me to?"

"Why not? She loved you so much. The last thing you can do for her is give her a proper goodbye" she shrugged and walked ahead of me.

I felt disgusted hearing those words. Megan didn't love me. She hated me.

"I knew what Megan did to you Maddy" I said and she stopped in her tracks.

"What?" she turned to face me, "what did Megan do?" I felt sarcasm in her tone.

I sighed, "she didn't love me. She wanted to take me away from you as a punishment" I revealed what I knew.

"Oh! I guess Dean told you already" she said in a flat tone, "I wonder what his punishment would be for leaking a patients' records" she turned on her heels and walked away like she wouldn't care about Dr. Scott if anything happened to him at all.

I followed her quickly trying to clear the misunderstanding. But I came to an abrupt halt seeing the casket which was a few feet away from me.

"Go! I'm staying here" she pushed me towards the casket.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. My legs already felt heavy. And each step I took I felt like I wouldn't be able to take another step towards it. My hands started to shake and I put them in my pocket so nobody could see it. My heart started to beat violently but the moment I stood next to Megan's dead body time had stopped.

She was dressed in a beautiful gown and she looked like she was at peace. A pain went through my heart when I looked at her face. Maddy! All I saw was Maddy!

I rubbed the skin over my heart to ease the pain, but it only grew. I swallowed hard, pushing down the knot in my throat. It hurt so much but at that moment I welcomed that pain. My eyes sting before several tears roll down. And I put my hands at the edge of the casket to take a good look at her beautiful face. I reached for her hands and put my hand on top of it. My chest heaved with pain and tears poured out, unable to control my emotions.

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